What is Missing?

There is something missing in the Bayley vs. Charlotte feud and I am not sure what it is. Charlotte comes out and shows pictures of Bayley as a kid with different wrestlers, spotlighting her poems and her essay talking about always dreaming to become a WWE Superstar. Bayley comes out and talks about not being sorry about it and living out her dream. She makes a few quick rhymes and then the segment ends.
I go back to my thoughts a few weeks ago and am not sure that Bayley is getting the right message across. Yes, we know this is her dream. Yes, we know she connects with the crowd in a unique way. I just am not into it and do not know why. Her message needs to be spoken with more energy and delivery. I fear like she is lacking HOW to speak, using diction and tone in her voice to carry out the message. When you have someone like Charlotte and Sasha, who have consistently dominated this division, it might be hard for Bayley to get to the top.
We saw Sasha at WrestleMania in a title match, but then we did not really see much of her until a few months later. How do they fix Bayley and make this feud important? It is falling flat, but I do think there is time for it to improve and get to where it SHOULD.
One step should be taking a filter off of Bayley. You can tell her answers are written word for word. Let her speak, not a writer.