The Champ vs. The Perfect Ten

Dillinger lands a few right hands and forces Joe into the corner. Dillinger hits the ten punch combo in the corner. Joe dumps Dillinger over the top rope, but Dillinger lands another punch to Joe’s head. Dillinger hits a springboard splash for a one count. Dillinger tries the Tye Breaker, but Joe reverses it into a double knee breaker. Joe kicks Dillinger in the knee a few times before locking in a rolling knee bar. Dillinger manages to crawl to the ropes to break the hold. Joe lands a Muta elbow for a two count. Joe pounds on Dillinger in the corner.
Joe stands Dillinger up and they trade strikes. Dillinger hits the ropes and runs right into power slam for a near fall. Joe sets up the Chimera plex. Joe hits a German, then sets up the Dragon suplex, Dillinger reverses it into a roll-up for a two count. Joe pops up and walks into a superkick by Dillinger. Joe kicks out. Dillinger calls for the Tye Breaker. Dillinger gets Joe on his shoulder, but Joe rolls off. Joe stumbles to the corner. Dillinger runs into a Uranage suplex. Joe powerbombs Dillinger. Dillinger kicks out, but Joe turns it into a Boston Crab. Joe floats over into an STF, then a crossface. Joe rolls that into the Coquina Clutch. Dillinger struggles, but eventually gets choked out.
For the second straight match, Tye Dillinger shows that he can hang with the best of them. From Roode to Joe, Dillinger is in a position where creative wants to see how he works with two completely different heels. I really enjoyed the match tonight and should that plenty of his offense was successful in large part to how big Samoa Joe is and how physical Tye Dillinger can actually get.
I am a huge Tye fan. He has what you look for in a superstar, but what can be next for him? He was a man of few words, humble and beaten down backstage in a video posted on WWE’s YouTube page. I wonder if having a lack of mid card titles in NXT is hurting guys like him, No Way Jose, Andrade Cien Almas and others. You know, the guys who are not quite as up there with Roode, Joe and Nakamura. I am never a huge fan of adding titles, but it could certainly help when weeks or even months go by and these guys have little to no real feuds going on. Do I think Tye could be NXT Champion? Absolutely. Will he actually do it? Unlikely. That is not a diss on him whatsoever, but more on a credit to the guys who are currently in the “main event” of Takeover events this year.