WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown Live “Venomous Addition To The Wyatt Family”

Did Dean Ambrose Get a Title Shot?

dean ambrose
(Photo by Marc Pfitzenreuter/Getty Images)

Results via Live WZ Coverage:

Ambrose connects with the suicide dive. Ambrose with a series of running axe handles. Ambrose with a running lariat to Styles. Ambrose connects with the Fisherman’s Suplex with a bridge for a two count. Ambrose backslides Styles for a two count. Ambrose applies a Fujiwara Armbar. Ambrose gets Styles in the Texas Cloverleaf. Ambrose and Styles battles for position on the ring apron. Styles plants Ambrose with a DDT on the ring apron. Styles places Ambrose on the top rope. Ambrose sends Styles face first to the canvas. Ambrose with a flying elbow drop off the top rope. Styles with a lethal combination to Ambrose. Ambrose responds with a swinging neck breaker for a two count. Styles with a springboards off the second rope and connects with a inverted DDT to Ambrose for a two count. Styles goes for the Styles Clash, but Ambrose counters with a rollup for a two count. Ambrose connects with the Lunatic Lariat. Ambrose superplex’s Styles off the top rope.

 Styles gets Ambrose in the Calf Crusher, but Ambrose reaches the bottom rope. Styles with a basement dropkick to Ellsworth. Styles goes for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Ambrose blocks it. Ambrose goes for the Dirty Deeds, but Styles whips Ambrose into the ropes. Ambrose goes for the Lunatic Lariat, but Styles gets Ambrose in position for the Styles Clash. Ambrose rolls Styles up for a two count. Styles connects with the Pele Kick. Styles goes for the Styles Clash, but Ambrose tosses him to the outside. Ellsworth SuperKick’s Styles on the outside. Mike Chioda calls for the bell and Ambrose is disqualified.
The lovable loser in James Ellsworth hurts Dean Ambrose tonight, only a week after Ambrose helping him. The match was really good and was given main event time. The ending saw Ellsworth get a huge pop, only for the crowd to be upset since it was a disqualification. Funny, but serious at the same time. I wonder how much longer James Ellsworth is going to be used and to what extent. I can see them doing this, if they do not have a world title match, until Survivor Series. After that, it might be time to cut it loose and refocus on the two men that will be around WWE for the future. Tonight was a solid show with every segment having some sort of meaning. That is hard to do these days in WWE. 
WZ 7

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Smackdown Live Rating:

WZ 7

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