WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown Live “Venomous Addition To The Wyatt Family”

Welcome Back, Becky Lynch


Alexa Bliss comes out and says Becky Lynch started growing a yellow streak down her back and says she is a con artist. She believes that she was able to fool everyone in her injury, but was scared to fight her. She calls her an orange troll and she is pathetic. They finally brawl to the outside and Alexa throws her into the post and barricade. Back in the ring, she hits a DDT and spray a yellow streak of spray paint down her back.

I liked this. Becky Lynch got a great response upon her return and Alexa Bliss immediately took advantage of her by talking trash and backing it up with some offense. I really think WWE is doing a great job at getting Alexa Bliss over and she is really thriving as a heel. She always gets the upper hand on the champion and this ruined the return. Becky is facing adversity  for the first time on Smackdown. She did not have much when she debuted and going into WrestleMania because it was about all THREE of the women. Now, she is carrying a feud by being booked logically and with sense. This was a strong segment tonight for the women.

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Tag Team Action

Smackdown Live had tag team action in multiple segments. We had Zack Ryder and Mojo Rawley earn their way onto the Survivor Series team by defeating The Ascension. With Rawley and Ryder, the adversity will come when the smart crowds begin to boo Mojo for how over the top he is. Tonight, in Green Bay, was a smart way for him and Ryder to get over. A former athlete SHOULD cater to the football crowd in Wisconsin, so Rawley did right tonight to not potentially get booed. They are the better team right now and The Ascension continue to fall down the ladder of irrelevance.

The Smackdown tag team champions took on Mikey and Kenny of The Spirit Squad. Kenny rings up Heath on the ropes, followed by a clothesline. Mikey does a backflip for a two count. Rhyno gets into the ring and reverses Kenny. Kenny distracts the referee for Rhyno to get rolled up by two. Heath hits a big kick, Rhyno connects with a belly to belly suplex and Dolph/Miz argue on the outside. Kenny gets thrown into The Miz, which allows Rhyno to hit the Gore and pick up the win.

Another night and another two positive segments with tag teams. We get Heath and Rhyno continue their newfound friendship with Dolph Ziggler, while he remains feuding with The Miz. I do like this involvement and also enjoy how they have The Spirit Squad back. They might not be here forever, but they are doing a good job at adding depth to two stories on Smackdown Live. 

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