WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown Live “Venomous Addition To The Wyatt Family”

Nikki Bella defeated Natalya

nikki bella
(Photo by Maarten de Boer/Getty Images Portraits)

Nikki and Natalya battled to get the captain’s honor for the team at Survivor Series. Nikki reverses Nattie into a two count and then hits a few shoulder blocks. Natalya heads to the outside and Nikki hits a baseball slide. She gets tripped up and Natalya unloads a big clothesline. Back into the ring and a neckbreaker gives Nikki the upper hand.  She hits a clothesline and then a springboard superkick. Natalya is able to ground and pound, followed by a surfboard stretch. Nikki Bella locks in the STF and picks up the win.

Nikki Bella did the John Cena shoulder block and the STF to get the win. Carmella attacks her once again after the match, which I enjoyed. If you want the rookie women to succeed, target the big dogs on the roster. Nikki and Becky are the two faces that need to help out the younger ones. With Carmella talking about John Cena, it only makes sense for Nikki to counter it with adding pieces of his offense to hers. They are rolling with it more than they have in the past, which I think only helps this feud. 

WZZ 6.5

A New Wyatt Family Member

(Photo by Steve Haag/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
(Photo by Steve Haag/Gallo Images/Getty Images)

File this under “C” for curveball. Kane and Bray Wyatt kicked off Smackdown Live with a No Disqualification match. As the match went on, Luke Harper would try to get involved. Randy Orton’s music hit and out came The Viper. He has his sights set on Bray, but hits an RKO onto Kane. Bray Wyatt picks up the win. A few segments later, Randy Orton is asked about his actions. “If you can’t beat them, join them.” These words tell me that WWE is going to flip the switch and see if a new and fresh idea like Randy Orton being a member of The Wyatt Family can work.

It is a bold move. It is NOT a risky one because Randy Orton can easily flip back if he wanted to and continue the mind games on Bray Wyatt. I really hope they embrace it, give him a chance to shine in a new idea. Think if they let Daniel Bryan be a member longer than a few weeks. That could have been interesting, but it did all work out for the best. I am in favor of new and fresh, so I am on board and hoping they can capitalize on the buzz of a new member of The Wyatt Family. Luke Harper and Bray Wyatt aren’t cutting it with just themselves.

WZ 7.5

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