Rusev’s Family History

Rusev and Lana come out and Rusev talks about being a good man, a family man. He then shares pictures of his family, including his mother, father, brother and grandmother. He talks about all of them and then Roman Reigns interrupts. He makes fun of Rusev’s family and Rusev gets upset. Lana slaps Roman and then Rusev hits a kick to the face. Both men brawl and then Rusev throws Reigns into the steel stairs. He locks in The Accolade on top of the stairs in the ring. Rusev stands tall.
Well, the family of Rusev was actually funny. I think it was simple and gave us more depth and background on Rusev. Well done. The brawl was also really solid, making sure we knew both men hated the other and did not want to waste time. It is big dog vs. big dog, with neither guy wanting to back down. Rusev got the upper hand, even though it makes no sense why an Accolade on the stairs would hurt Roman Reigns more. It’s not like they are using the stairs on him. He is lying on it, with his body stretch the opposite way. Nevertheless, a good outing from both guys and more depth in a personal storyline that is getting more and more away from battling for JUST a title.
Big Cass defeated Karl Anderson
It is hard to say WWE has really dropped the ball with Anderson and Gallows, but you can scratch your head over the recent month. Yes, they have been involved with John Cena, Enzo and Cass and The New Day. But, why would you book this match and give it literally 90 seconds? I just do not understand and maybe one of you out there can explain this to me. Wouldn’t you think WWE could give them more than a 2 minute segment? They gave BO DALLAS more time.