John Cena vs. Seth Rollins

Dueling chants start the match, as Seth Rollins ends up hitting a dropkick. Cena comes back with a dropkick of his own and hits a few elbows. Rollins rolls him up again and another two count to fasten the pace. John Cena hits a shoulder block and then a slam to Rollins, as he rolls to the outside and we head to a break. Rollins immediately stops the STF from being applied and then blocks the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Rollins counters again, but Cena hits the back body drops and shuffle. He tries the AA, but reversed into a kick to the face, and then another. Cena moves from a splash and then hits a Tornado DDT.
Seth Rollins gets up and connects with an enziguri. Both men make it to their feet, trade shots and then head to the top. Rollins hits a corner Powerbomb and then misses a Frog Splash. Cena blocks a Pedigree attempt and then hits an AA for the two count. Seth gets his foot on the rope. Cena locks in the STF, but The Club make their way down the ramp. They distract Cena enough for Seth Rollins to hit the Pedigree and pick up the win.
Excellent back and forth contest between Cena and Rollins, showing that both men can go with the best of them. I really enjoyed the psychology in the ring, countering each others’ moves and always trying to one up the other. The moves were executed and Seth Rollins looks to be in stronger shape. His moves have more impact, more physicality and his game seems to still have that athleticism when he needs it. Yeah, he may not be chizzled with a 6 pack, but this is a better world championship material of Seth Rollins. John and Seth just get how to work with each other, utilizing their strengths and hiding their weaknesses.
Enzo and Cass Squash, Cat Fight Ensues
Nothing great on Raw for Enzo and Cass, a very entertaining team who can make a squash match fun to watch. A few moves later and the social outcasts come out to talk. Promos are cut and that is it. God, I hope WWE does not throw Enzo and Cass to these jamoches. They must remain with a relevant team, giving them the big spotlight that they deserve. It is an honor to be called on and open a PPV as big as Money in the Bank. Hopefully, this was just a refresher night for them.
As for Natalya and Becky, Becky attacks her at ringside before her match with Summer Rae. They both go after one another and really get into it at ringside. Natalya is able to escape and Becky looks upset. I do enjoy the heel turn from Nattie because it was overdue. She is booked like she is taken advantage of for years, whether on Total Divas or even RAW and Smackdown. This is refreshing, even though I feel like it will only get Becky Lynch over when she is not involved in a championship feud. The show is three hours, so I am not upset about two segments dedicated to Women.