impact wrestling

Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “No Trouble, Trouble, Trouble With The Miracle”

Willow Returns…Sort Of


James Storm hits a Calf Wrangler for a two count and then Steve tags back in. He hits a big uppercut and hits the ropes only for Abyss to attack from behind. Abyss comes in and Chokeslams Steve down on top of Storm  and hits a Senton. Steve tries to attempt a Rolling Cannonball but Storm moves. Jeff gets a hot tag and then connects with a forearm, atomic drop and legdrop. After a few dropkicks, Storm gets in and hits an enziguri. Jeff hits a Twist of Fate, but the lights go out. Willow’s music hits and he appears on the stage. Jeff is clueless and gets sprayed by Abyss and Steve. Black Hole Slam and that is the end of James and Jeff.

The Decay pick up a solid win, but the bigger story is more about Jeff Hardy’s alter ego Willow distracting him. I loved Jeff in the Willow gimmick and this was a nice touch to a feud that many people might guess who but still be interested in. Give us more mind games and creativity for a Jeff Hardy feud. He knows how to evolve and develop creative characters and this was the beginning of what could be a really nice payoff from whoever is behind the Willow gimmick. This is the start of something intriguing.

WZ 7

Drew, Eli and Lashley

Drew Galloway talks about how he wants to be a fighting champion and calls out Lashley. Lashley talks about how he dominated Kurt Angle and how he is beating down Galloway each week. Galloway wants to fight, but Lashley says not tonight and he will take his title back when he wants it. This brings out Eli Drake, who wants an opportunity.

Drake and Drew battle back and forth, but it was more about Galloway controlling the pacing. A superplex and then Drake tries to use his briefcase, but misses only to get hit with the Future Shock DDT and pick up the loss. Lashley runs out and Spears the champion after his match, raising the title in the air.

Lashley said some really good things tonight. His voice does not scare me, but the realism behind his “fight” character is refreshing. Like I said, he is a poor man’s Brock Lesnar and that is not a knock on him. I do think Drew drops it to Lashley, which could potentially open up the doors to EC3 regaining the championship. With so much talent, a revolving door isn’t the worst thing right now. Find out what sticks, what the fans attach themselves to.

WZZ 6.5