New Champions, New Focus

Impact Wrestling had two title changes and the change of direction with the company. Two of the long-time TNA guys called it quits after this episode, as Eric Young dropped his KOTM title to Bram. Beer Money lost their championships against The Decay, which means Bobby Roode might debut in NXT or WWE sometime soon.
What does this mean? Does it mean anything important? I think the answer is yes. Bram has been a guy that has really been treading water over the past year. He has such a great look and such a smooth, yet powerful, demeanor in the ring. His match with Eric Young was exactly what was needed of him. They gave him time. They gave him a really good face turn with a dastardly heel helping him get over. Bram kicked out of everything Young had and it worked. Bram is such a marketable guy for the company. There are so many guys that are cut out of stone. Bram LOOKS intense. He looks like a guy that you do not want to meet in an alley. What the match with Bram told me tonight is that TNA is solely focused on getting the newer talent on the roster over. Bram finished EY with his finisher through the table, showcasing his hardcore edge and strong persona.
The Decay are unique. Abyss, transitioning into a new character, seems to adapt so easily. He may not be my favorite guy to watch, but Crazzy Steve makes it fun to watch him again. They balance each other out and giving them the titles does more for their credibility than it could have with BroMans, The Wolves (I know they are not healthy) and others already established and through much of what TNA has done. Fresh champions could mean that TNA is steering in the right direction of young and promising talent.