With WrestleMania 32 in the books and the win over Dean Ambrose in the last Brock Lesnar fight, WZ is taking a look at the best WWE Brock Lesnar fights.
When you are 6’5” and weigh 275 pounds, and you look like a towering hulk of muscle, it doesn’t take much to get nicknamed ‘Beast.’ It makes you a perfect candidate for becoming a WWE superstar, right? It makes you wanna win WWE Championships four times, makes it possible for you to win the UFC Heavyweight Championship and become the NCAA Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, becoming the one and only person to get all three titles. It makes you feel like a real man, ready to propose (and get married to) someone like Rena Marlette, aka Sable.
Of course, I’m talking about Brock Edward Lesnar, a man of very few words, and living proof that actions do speak louder. “Here comes the pain” isn’t just his catchphrase, it’s his creed, his way of life. So let’s see the 10 best WWE Brock Lesnar fights where pain indeed has come.
Best WWE Brock Lesnar Wrestling Matches
- Brock Lesnar vs Hulk Hogan, August 8, 2002
The story was simple here. Lesnar was about to take on The Rock. He did win the rights to step forward as a contender, but it was necessary to prove to the world that Brock can take on a legend and dismantle him. Hogan was the perfect target.
Hogan did display his legendary vocabulary of attacks, from punches to the head, to the big boot and leg drop combo. But Lesnar shrugged off all of Hulk’s attacks and finished him off with an old school bearhug. What better way to declare Lesnar the next big star in the industry?
- Brock Lesnar vs The Rock, August 25, 2002
Events leading to this match were equally as electrifying as the bout itself. Videos were aired of the two giants’ training style, as Brock was beefing up his power, and The Rock focused on speed. It was one of the best wrestling matches in history. Even though the storyline was sort of predictable and it was obvious that Lesnar would prevail, it still was a show full of adrenaline.
Paul Heyman doesn’t usually get smashed through the announcers table, so The Rock’s move added weight to the feeling of importance to the match. The crowd chanted: “Let’s Go Lesnar” Soon after, he delivered one of his own. Lesnar avoided the People’s Elbow after the Rock’s Spinebuster and managed to win the match, becoming the youngest WWE Champion ever.
It was great entertainment, announcing the era of Brock Lesnar, and left many fans wishing that the two superstars meet again. Now that they are both back in the business, maybe it will happen, after all…
- Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle, August 24, 2003
Although this one was a loss for Lesnar, it was majestic piece of wrestling entertainment. The storyline was well constructed. Angle won his WWE Title. So Angle vs McMahon was set up with Lesnar as referee. Soon it was clear that Brock is betraying his friendship with Kurt Angle as he sided with Vince McMahon, beating Angle, turning himself into a heel monster. After this show at Smackdown, Angle vs Lesnar at Summerslam was inevitable, with Kurt defending his title against The Beast.
The battle was furious, with Angle facing both Lesnar and Vince. Kurt put Lesnar in the Ankle Lock, Brock hit an F5, Angle kicked out, Kurt countered with another lock and Brock Lesnar tapped out. It was a shock and surprise, as it was a completely alien concept at the time. This match also gave rise to the chant: “You tapped out” whenever heels tap out in major bouts.
- Brock Lesnar vs John Cena, April 29, 2012
This was a strange comeback for Lesnar. It was to be his first match after an eight-year hiatus. The question on everyone’s lips was whether Brock has it in him to return as the nasty heel everyone remembers, or did he get too rusty. Strangest was the fact that although Lesnar lost his first comeback match, although he was advertised as the undefeatable Beast, it didn’t hurt him in the long run, as this bout was well-booked, almost surreal, and perfectly executed. It promoted Cena as a fighting babyface and the crowd loved him.
The match was a pure brawl, no disqualifications, Lesnar was dominating till the very finish. The Beast hit Cena with a running knee, then went flying over the top to the floor, landing face first. Everyone thought it was a devastating injury, but Lesnar just shrugged it off like the real Beast he is. Cena slammed him with an Attitude Adjustment after opening a nasty bleeder on Lesnar’s head with the steel chain. Not only did this match give rise to Cena, it proved that Lesnar is still a top WWE performer after eight years off.
- Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle vs Big Show, July 27, 2003
Angle returned to the arena, greeted by a massive ovation from the crowd. They missed him, and everyone was worried for him after his neck surgery following WrestleMania XIX. The story was planted here, as Kurt declared Brock his buddy and the most supportive person, once a rival, now a friend. Big Show was Lesnar’s main adversary, so it was fitting to have him in this triple threat match. Usually this kind of bouts feels awkward, as guys are crowded in the ring, there is a real sense of danger.
This one, being a no disqualification match, was pure gold. Superstars were creative and brutal, Big Show dominating the early phase, Lesnar taking over and being the biggest and badest till the end when Kurt dropped an Angle Slam on both guys. Lesnar took a pin here, and it was a nice setup for him turning heel in the future shows.
- Brock Lesnar vs Undertaker, October 20, 2002
This was Brock’s first feud after he won the WWE Title. Some lame story attempted to raise sympathy for the Undertaker. It was almost all too clear who is going to win, but no one could expect the level of fun it delivered. Brock Lesnar was champion, Undertaker was in rare position of an underdog, and it was bloody.
Most of the match, Undertaker was covered with blood. It was the most gory Hell in a Cell ever. The fight was brutal till the very end. Lesnar kicked out of a Chokeslam, attempted the Undertaker’s move Last Ride, then Undertaker showed him how it was done, and after everybody thought that was the end, Lesnar recovered. He countered Tombstone with F5 and finished with pinfall as Undertaker was literally laying in a pool of his own blood.
- Brock Lesnar vs Eddie Guerrero, February 15, 2004
Fans loved Eddie Guerrero. He was a wrestler everyone loved to root for, so seeing him win the WWE Title for the first time was truly an emotional moment. Brock Lesnar played the role of bad boy to perfection. He was a big man taking on a little man, he was mean heel, and they filled the whole 30 minutes of the show with constant action-packed battling. Eddie was trying to slow down Brock by working on the knee, while Brock was grinding at Guerrero’s shoulder.
The finish was very memorable, with Lesnar grabbing the belt, they fought over it and a famous F5 was countered into Eddie’s DDT, he climbed to the top and finished with an awesome pinfall victory.
- Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle, March 30, 2003
This was a match to fall in love with. Angle was injured, scheduled for neck surgery. It made the entire display so real and filled with adrenaline. Angle was the heel and Lesnar the face. Both wrestlers showed superb athletic prowess alongside great performances.
Angle managed to become the first person to kick out of an F5. He applied an Ankle Lock, wrapping his leg around Lesnar, but the Beast showed his incredible strength and made it to the ropes. An Angle Slam attempt was converted into another F5 by Lesnar. Again, demonstrating his unholy toughness, Lesnar wanted to go for a Shooting Star Press, halfway across the ring, but landed on his head and somehow walked away from it unscathed. Soon after, the match was won by Lesnar’s trademark F5.
- Brock Lesnar vs CM Punk, August 18, 2013
This was easily the 2013 WWE Match of the Year. The story was so good for many reasons. Lesnar was the perfect bad guy for Punk to lose to while interference from Paul Heyman explained why the victory slipped from CM Punk’s hands. It was a great angle for Punk’s return and the No Disqualification battle added the touch of brutality and edge this match needed. Punk was close to winning, and it made this big guy vs little guy bout the adrenaline shot which was necessary to elevate this match to Match of the Year category.
Punk basically faced both Brock and his agent. Lesnar wanted a quick F5, Punk countered with DDT, slipped in an Anaconda Vice and that’s when Heyman stepped in with a steel chair. When Punk turned to deal with Heyman, Lesnar used the chair, breaking it on Punk’s back. Lesnar smashed into the stunned Punk, picked him up for another F5 with Punk’s face hitting the steel chair. It was enough for the win after 25 minutes of hot physical action.
- Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle, September 18, 2003
Many consider this to be the best Ironman Match ever. The story for this clash was building up through many shows. Angle won his title back, Lesnar turned heel, so this was expected to be that final battle, one hour Ironman. One hour is a big stretch of time, and this one was booked so perfectly that the crowd was interested and on the edge of their seats all the time.
Lesnar took an early lead as the aggressive bad boy. With Angle weakened and on the defensive, Brock was dominating with 3-1 after Kurt tapped out. Lesnar went on to lead with 5-2 for much of the bout and the question on everyone’s lips was whether Angle can recover.
The final minutes were intense. Angle was gaining the upper hand, earning 5-4, trying his best to win the match. Angle eventually managed to slip an Ankle Lock again with barely 15 seconds left. The Beast endured the pain and won the match with the WWE Title. It was one of the best Brock Lesnar fights ever in the WWE and surely the best in Brock Lesnar’s illustrious career.
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