Chris Jericho Is Back

When I mean back, I mean at his best character. Yes, the nostalgia of his returns are always fun because of his music and theatrics. When that wears off, you know it is time for a change. There is a reason as to why he has never been a face champion. He adapts. He makes changes at the drop of a hat and can be dastardly anytime he needs to be. He switched his tune Monday and make a great promo on AJ Styles.
Jericho spoke of hate, of jealously. He wanted the chants because of how good he has been in 17 years. Disrespect is the easiest way to make someone angry, but Jericho always changes it to a more personal story. I like the idea of them fighting, even if it is their fourth bout since February. I just want to know how they are going to make this different. Can it be something like a submission match? Can there be a new step AJ and Chris can take, so it is not just like their matches on RAW, Smackdown or Fastlane? If so, I want to know what it is. Let Chris Jericho be himself and let him develop more of a story before AJ finishes it.
The League of Nations defeated The Lucha Dragons
Sheamus slaps Kalisto in the face and Kalisto attacks with a kick combination. Sheamus uses his arms to connect with some shots and then Kalisto is able to hit a jawbreaker. Kalisto flies with a springboard hurricanrana and tags in Sin Cara. Sheamus with a big forearm to Sin Cara. The Lucha Dragons fly with a Monkey Flip 450 Splash and Sheamus rolls to the outside. We hit a break and come back with Barrett in control. The League of Nations take over and Kalisto is grounded. Finally, a hot tag and Sin Cara clears the ring. He also hits a dropkick to Rusev on the apron. He hits a Suicide Dive and then a moonsault. Sheamus breaks up the pin and then throws Kalisto to the outside. Sin Cara looks to finish Barrett with a Swanton, but Rusev tosses him off the top. King Barrett connects with the Bull Hammer for the win.
The League of Nations pick up a nice win on Smackdown and continue to get the push up the ladder. With no match confirmed, you have to think that these guys will be in a Tag Team Championship match of some sort. There are two former world champions, a multiple time IC Champion and Rusev, who was not pinned for over a year. These guys are credible and are natural heels. The New Day will get cheered in Dallas, so they need counterparts like The League of Nations. I think this would be great and also could have The Uso’s and The Dudley Boyz involved too. Spice things up a bit in this division. Overall, a really good match and further development in a deep tag team division.