A British Point of View: Thank You Daniel Bryan

Reports and rumours had been flying around for months on Daniel’s condition. Speculation of the company holding him back when he was fit and healthy were rife. In hindsight I think most fans now completely understand the situation and are just glad that Daniel isn’t in any further danger due to this dangerous career path.

Myself and my fiancée were fortunate enough to briefly meet Daniel before his WrestleMania 28 match. My fiancée is a casual fan and because Daniel was playing the heel leading into the match she wasn’t really that bothered about meeting him as she didn’t like his character on TV.

However, within seconds of meeting him she was giving him a hug. Whilst they were hugging I jokingly said to Bryan that she was calling you a minute ago, which he saw the funny side. He was a complete gentleman and whilst the moment was brief it had a profound effect on my fiancée. She, from this point on would be the loudest person in the room shouting the Yes chants and like the rest of us, were in pieces last Monday when Daniel had to retire.

Luckily, Daniel Bryan got to have his moment. Whilst it was brief, he managed to win the Undisputed WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 30. The place went absolutely insane for his victory and this was something that happened only moments AFTER The Undertaker’s streak had been broken. Realistically, can you think of any other realistic scenario that could have taken place that night and got a reaction like that? Me neither.