Contract Signing

Stephanie McMahon kicks off WWE RAW with a contract signing. She gets interrupted by Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. Brock Lesnar makes his way to the ring and the contract is signed. Brock Lesnar throws the table at Reigns, F-5’s Dean Ambrose and walks away eyeing down Triple H.
I liked this contract signing tonight. It was simple, got to the point and did not have plenty of talking. Quick action and Lesnar hit hard and fast. That is exactly what you need from Lesnar, while keeping the door open for later tonight.
Kevin Owens vs. Dolph Ziggler
Kevin Owens starts from the very beginning on the offense. He hits a big splash and toss into the corner. With Ziggler finally getting offense in, he hits a neckbreaker and then a big kick. Kevin Owens fights back, talks trash and then connects with a big kick himself.
Kevin Owens rolls through and Ziggler plants a DDT. Owens kicks out at two and both men spill to the outside. Dolph Ziggler hits a Fameasser and sends him back to the outside. Both men barely make the ten count and are spent in the ring. Ziggler misses a splash and then moves out of the cannonball. Dolph Ziggler rolls through and puts his feet on the ropes for the win. KO flips out and destroys the announce table. He throws a steel step and then heads to the back.
Well, it looks like Kevin Owens and Dolph Ziggler will finally hit their big payoff at WWE Fastlane. This was an excellent match and really helped continue the heel character of Kevin Owens to hit another level. I love how detached and angry he gets. It’s a quick flip of the switch and his opponent is the perfect fit. Great psychology and action from both men tonight.
Next: Highlight Reel Takes Over MizTV…