Impact Wrestling

Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “We Knew It Would Be Like This”

Matt Hardy Advances

impact wrestlingIn my favorite match, maybe, of the night Matt Hardy defeated Jesse Godderz in a really physical contest. Impact Wrestling gives us the grizzled veteran who is still performing at high levels against a future world champion. I mean, how could Jesse NOT be a future champion? He has the look, the charisma, the dedication to getting better each day and the crossover appeal thanks to his work on Big Brother.

Matt and Jesse are at the complete opposite ends of the spectrum, although their chemistry and physicality in the match spoke volumes. Hardy reversed a nice move and was hit with a dropkick. There might not be a better executed dropkick by a heavyweight like Jesse does. At the end of the match, Hardy slides out of a Gorilla Press and connects with Twist of Fate for the win.

I enjoy both men, but I understand why Matt Hardy gets the win here. Jesse will have his time and I hope it is against Matt in a long-term feud. I think both men can really thrive and talk about how opposite they really are in the ring. For now, I can see Matt reclaiming the championship and Jesse in waiting for his shot. There is nothing that stuck out in this match that was negative. Would I have booked it a little differently? Yes, but I am just a great keyboard warrior for now. Jesse gained just enough offense to look like a potential winner, while TNA went back to the well and gave the victory to what they KNOW is successful and fruitful. The debut on POP TV needs to be focused around an established guy.

WZ 7.5


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