Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “What Happened To Your Secondary Championships?”

Adien O’Shea Picks Up A Win

impact wrestlingAiden O’Shea finally starts unloading on Steve with right hands and elbows. He throws Steve all around the ring, goes outside and misses a punch and hits the steel steps.

Steve attacks his hand, punching it and stomping on it. He tries to bite him. but O’Shea knocks Steve down with a hand. He connects with a Lariat for the win.

O’Shea looked intense, while TNA used a second “comedy” guy against someone who needs to be in serious wrestling matches. I liked the anger, the facial expressions and the realism from O’Shea tonight.

This may be the only thing that saved this match from being completely irrelevant. Aiden is good. He can be really good in time. Crazzy Steve, who has always bothered me, should be utilized in the X-Division and focus on his technical ability.

WZ 4.5

James Storm vs. Abyss

James Storm dodges a corner splash and unloads with right hands to Abyss. Abyss hits a side suplex and begins to brawl away as a commercial break interrupts. Abyss throws Storm face first into a chair in the corner. More offense from Abyss, but James Storm dodges Janice, which was brought into the ring and placed between the ropes. Storm hits Abyss with his cowbell.  On the top rope, Storm hits a sunset bomb and then follows with a flying elbowdrop. Abyss kicks out at two, so James Storm hits Last Call.  Abyss no-sells and choke slams Storm. Storm spits beer in Abyss’s face and then hits two Last Calls to pick up the win.

You should NEVER no sell a finishing move. I do not care who it is. There has to be some sort of stunning movement, motion or shock. I hated that part of the match, but everything else was pretty good. Some weapons were involved, as well as some specialty objects.

It still confuses me how they put this series together. Storm never knew about it and I wonder how many matches he has left to be televised. Either way, two originals do their best to put on a hardcore type match without rules and still made sure they focused on it NOT all being about weapons and street fighting. James Storm is such a good heel, FYI. He knows the business and that is a huge reason he can succeed in WWE.

WZ 6

DJ Z defeated Tigre Uno

Spot after spot, DJ Z and Tigre Uno exchange high flying moves and get into a fast-paced contest.  I have spoken of my admiration with both of these guys, but this match felt so rushed. There was not enough realistic recovery time from these moves. Uno seemed a step or two off tonight as well, missing a few moves. Either way, DJ Z picks up the win in a forgettable X-Division type match that is viewed as two men trying to win a world championship….Interesting logic.

WZ 3.5


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