Too Picky / Where the Money Is


Samoa JoeFor Samoa Joe, it’s not in WWE.

Joe recently met with Triple H. But since that meeting, Joe has taken more independent bookings, and Triple H said in an interview that he didn’t know if WWE would work with Joe moving forward. That could be a bluff to set up a big reveal. But Joe scheduling more indie dates says otherwise.

Joe is 36. He’s one of the biggest names in indie wrestling. Matt Hardy, A.J. Styles and The Young Bucks milk the indies for more money than lots of WWE performers make working an excruciating schedule. Joe can do the same.

For a performer of Joe’s talent, there’s little worse than not knowing if he could make the big time. But Joe is reportedly well invested. He’s not a mark. For Joe, ironically, the indie circuit is what’s best for business. Stay on ROH TV, though.

Anyway, how would WWE use Joe? Would he be Umaga, Jr.?

Joe is what he is, the Samoan Submission Machine, a bad-ass ass-kicker. But 9 times out of 10, WWE will change a performer, even if what he was worked. WWE just has to put their finger in the pie. Leave that imprint.

Kevin Owens may be an exception. But he might also be WWE’s token fat guy. Maybe Joe’s stock dropped because of that. Great Raw debut by Owens, BTW.

The Young Bucks are cheesy, but are starting to grow on me. When they won the IWGP Jr. tag-team titles at New Japan’s monthly big show, Matt Jackson looked in the camera and said, “Our indie price just went through the roof.” HUGE POP.

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