The Descension

damien sandowWith some of the crap on WWE TV, it’s hard to tell if it’s rotten by accident, or if they’re trying for comic relief. Kind of like TNA putting EC3 in main events.

“There’s a difference between laughed at and laughed with,” said one of the stooges in Ascension this past Monday night. Boy, ain’t that the truth? But clearly, said stooge can’t figure that one out. That segment with Macho Mandow, Axelmania and the faux Road Warriors was horrible beyond description.

Three hours is a lot of TV to fill, I know. Has WWE considered a test pattern?

That hot mess was indicative of a major problem in the entertainment industry at large: It’s too difficult and time-consuming to come up with good new material, so old material is reprised, often via bad parody.

Damien Sandow is talented. But the Mizdow shtick finally wore thin, and his Macho Man “tribute” is so weak it’s insulting to Randy Savage’s memory. At least Jay Lethal did a good imitation. Curtis Axel just isn’t cut out for his father’s business. He simply can’t do it. He couldn’t even be a Paul Heyman guy right.

The Ascension is beyond bad. They look stupid. They talk stupid. They’re not accomplished workers. They offer zero strengths.

WWE has the market cornered for talent. WWE has a state-of-the-art training facility. NXT is chock-full of up-and-coming performers.