WZ Answers Your Questions in New Mailbag Feature: Benoit in the HOF, Divas Division, Which WWE Title Should Return?, PPV Hosts Cities and More

los gringos locosBack in the old days, the WWE would hold its PPVs in cities such as Louisville and Providence. Today, it seems as if though the WWE holds its PPVs in the same cities (six cities in particular, Chicago, St. Louis, New York City, Los Angeles, Boston, and Philadelphia get a PPV every year) while some cities such as Seattle and Kansas City almost never get a PPV. Is it because some cities draw more than others?

That’s got to be one of the reasons, now that WWE ranks the cities they visit, all of them are near the top! I believe it is also a matter of distance and time change. WWE has a certain schedule and considering most of the cities they visit are in the Northeast, that’s where they stick too. Also, nobody likes to watch Raw on tape delay, it just ruins it for everyone. Not to mention WWE would rather be in big cities compared to mid sized and small cities.

Which championship do you think the WWE should bring back? And do you think TNA needs a new championship to mix things up a little bit?

If WWE were to bring back a title I would love to see the Hardcore Championship back only because, bare with me here, I liked the concept of the title changing hands at any time, but there is no way WWE would bring it back. Quite honestly, there is no need to bring back any titles at this point if WWE isn’t going to utilize them properly. In fact, I would have them unify the IC and US titles to help the mid card more. In regards to the TNA question, I think 4 titles is more than enough for now. You have to remember that the more titles you have the hard it is to book them.

One thing I have noticed is the WWE Network hasn’t done many specials on talents that have passed (except Ultimate Warrior). Do you feel they should do a special this year in marking the 10 year anniversary of the death of Eddie Guerrero?

Yes, no doubt about it! Eddie was one of those one in a million type of guys, he absolutely needs a special. Even though he has passed on, his legacy continues and needs to be rejoiced and what better time than the 10th anniversary of his death. Let’s just hope someone from the WWE is reading this so they can get started on a documentary as soon as possible as it is severely overdue.

What do you think about the way WWE Creative will view the Diva’s Division Going Forward without AJ Lee?

You really have to think hard about this question. What did AJ Lee really do to change the way WWE Creative (Vince) thought about the Diva’s Division…nothing. Even though she inspired girls around the  world, she did barely anything to get Vince and his team to see the Divas as anything different. Now that she is gone, WWE will continue to treat the Divas the same with or without AJ Lee. It is a sad fact, but until someone replaces Vince McMahon, that’s how we will see the Divas Division play out.