The Ballad of Bill DeMott

bill demottThe Bill DeMott situation is difficult to discuss.

Those complaining strike me as entitled, spoiled and not having what it takes mentally to withstand the grind of professional wrestling. It’s not just promos and high spots. There are many ways to separate wheat from chaff.

But if DeMott did what he’s accused of, you can’t defend him. It’s impossible to reconcile with physical abuse and racist/homophobic slurs.

Every wrestler and ex-wrestler I’ve communicated with recently has referred to those complaining by a few choice slurs of their own, pointing out that those bitching are those who didn’t make it. True. But why would a current WWE performer speak out against DeMott? Why risk incurring the company’s wrath?

WWE is a big-time, publicly-traded corporation. But no matter what WWE says, it’s still a WRESTLING COMPANY. And, as this incident proves, it’s still run like a wrestling company. A pig wearing a dress is still a pig.

Some want to debate DeMott’s record as a trainer, how many quality performers he’s produced. It isn’t good, but that’s a separate debate.

Stu Hart and Verne Gagne were many times as abusive as DeMott when they trained wrestlers. DeWayne “Sarge” Bruce at WCW’s Power Plant was no box of chocolates, and WCW was owned by a major corporation.


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