Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown “Intercontinental Championship Getting The Spotlight”

 Wild Goose Chase For The WWE Intercontinental Championship

wwe smackdownSmackdown featured two matches with potential feuds brewing towards the WWE Intercontinental Championship.

Dean Ambrose defeated The Miz and Daniel Bryan defeated Bad News Barrett. To the delight of the crowd and fans in the WWE, this is a big step forward. WWE has a few options here with guys who are desperate for a match at WrestleMania. Ambrose, Barrett and Ziggler will be involved in the Ladder Match at WrestleMania. This could leave a few spots open, potentially for Daniel Bryan. I could care less if R-Truth is involved. Quite frankly, he is just not interesting to me on any level.

Daniel Bryan as IC champion? John Cena as United States champion? If WWE really wants relevancy back in the mid card titles, they would go this route. Is it the right route, though?

 Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan could help Sheamus become a big time heel again, getting a rub from Bryan. He could align himself with The Authority and basically be their new hired hand. Nobody cares about Big Show or Kane anymore. Sheamus could get an old school heel heat upon his arrival and NOBODY would cheer him or boo Bryan. It could be a win-win. Either way, the Intercontinental Championship just because REALLY interesting again and a Ladder Match for that title replaces the missing MITB match at the grand stage.

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Goldust defeated Adam Rose

Goldust picks up a pretty quick win over Adam Rose. The story of the match was what happened after it was over. Stardust was dressed as a Rosebud and attacked his brother.

To steal Dameon Nelson’s word from PWR, Stardust is #Endorsed. The guy is just good at whatever is given to him. Who the hell would have thought that Cody Rhodes would continue to make this gimmick interesting and sustain the longevity. He is only getting better as a character himself, but it will end sometime soon. They need redemption from their stinker at WWE Fast Lane. I told you that it was too soon.

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-AxelMania….seriously? He loses again, this time to Fandango. The clock made me laugh, but let’s be real here. This the WrestleMania season. Please do not waste my time with this.


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