Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction “2014 Match of the Year”

Madison Rayne is the Number One Contender

impact wrestlingTaryn and Madison Rayne get into each other’s face and they exchange multiple pin fall attempts. Angelina Love breaks up the attempts and then gets forearms to the face over and over. Sky trips up Rayne on the outside and Love hits a jawbreaker. Rayne gets kicked by Taryn and hits a flying clothesline. She follows with a suplex and a two count. She heads up to the top again and hits a cross body that takes down both women. The finish comes when Taryn hits an RKO move. Rayne rolls her up from behind for the win.

The match was not bad at all, but the crowd showed no interest in them. Rayne picks up the win and out comes Havok, which was much needed. The segment lacked a really solid moment. Havok will defend it at Bound For Glory and just her appearance makes her match seem much more important. Again, Havok has no real competition in terms of size. Havok chokes Taryn and then laughs in the middle of the ring before hitting a chokeslam. Rayne runs away. Isn’t she supposed to try and fight her opponent? She is scared and the contender. So, what is the point of having her want a championship match if she is too scared?

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James Storm and The Great Sanada defeated Low Ki and Tigre Uno

Sanada and Low Ki start things off with reversals and fast offense. Low Ki hits a springboard dropkick and then grounds him. James Storm gets back into the ring and kicks every part of Uno. He yells at Tigre Uno and works over the crowd. Sanada hits a axe handle smash from the top and the locks in a headlock. Low Ki gets back and hits some dropkicks and a neckbreaker. After a T-Bone Suplex, Storm hits a backstabber. Low Ki knocks out Manik and Sanada takes out Ki. Storm hits Last Call for the win.

Plenty of good spots in a fast paced 7 minute match. I would have loved to see Tajiri come out and try to cost this new stable their match. I understand The Great Muta not being there, but they should have had something involving Tajiri. The tag match will be good, but the build has been weak recently.

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Bram and Samuel Shaw Go Extreme

A match with no rules gives Shaw a much needed boost in intensity. He uses multiple chair shots and then has four chairs in the ring. Bram hits a Kendo Stick to Shaw’s head. The big spot was when Shaw hit a powerbomb onto Bram, crashing onto four chairs. Shaw wants to lock in the choke hold, but Bram throws Shaw into a chair. He finds a wrench and knocks him out for the win. 

It was a very simple and extreme feeling match. This should not have taken place tonight, though. We already have Full Metal Mayhem, which completely overshadowed how intense and physical this could have been. Shaw sports some new tattoos. I do not get his ring gear or his facial hair. He wants to be edgy, but he looks more like a carnival act with the ridiculous stache.

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