Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “Season Premiere Delivers Two Solid Hours”

Jerry Springer on Raw

Brie Bella comes out and says she is not sorry for being upset with her sister and that she should not have hit her. Nikki comes out and says she could not be happier right now. She has a hit show and the Divas Championship. They show clips of Nikki and Brie from Total Divas. Nikki says that Brie is probably the reason that their father left them. She calls her a witch and then Jerry says that they found her dad.

They show a clip of their dad and mother, saying that they need help. Brie says that JJ is in her corner. JJ comes out and confronts his sisters. JJ says that Nikki is the victim. JJ pulls Brie off of her. JJ takes a shot and then the sisters brawl. Stephanie McMahon tries to break them apart and she grabs Brie. 

I do not know how to even respond to this segment. I laughed my ass off when JBL asked why JJ had entrance music. I also thought it was planned out well, but I still want to see what the payoff is. Brie gets revenge. What happens afterwards? Who else can be involved? I just see them trying to milk a dry cow.

WZ 5.5

Gold and Stardust defeated Los Matadores

This match shows you exactly why WWE has very limited options in the WWE Tag Team Division. The new heel tag team has nobody else to work with besides these two guys who should not even be on the WWE roster. They are just horrible gimmicks and ones that have no reason being on television. The best part is that Gold and Stardust are very much being more aggressive and intense each week. They also get attacked by Jimmy and Jey, who attack after the match. 

WZ 3.5

Adam Rose defeated Titus O’Neil

Garbage. Why is Raw three hours? Oh, because we need to see a dancing bunny hit a splash onto an actual wrestler. Does this bother anyone else? Seriously, this is brutal.

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