Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “John Cena and Randy Orton Carry The Show”

John Cena is Going to be Victimized

wwe raw reactionIsn’t it crazy how good Paul Heyman is? He can say the same thing over and over again, but it sounds fresh and sounds intense every time. Paul Heyman and John Cena exchange words back and forth until Cena cuts a very passionate promo about having heart. Out comes Cesaro, who says John Cena is a walking billboard. Cesaro says that Cena cannot wrestle and they head to commercial break before the big match to start off WWE Raw. 

John Cena defeated Cesaro 

Cesaro works over Cena from the beginning. Cena sunset flips him and gets him in a headlock. Cesaro catches Cena and plants him with a suplex. Cena hits a hurricanranna for a two count. (It did not look pretty) Cesaro continues the assaul with a stomp to the stomach. Cesaro hits an shoulder block, sending Cena to the outside. After some taunting, Cena makes it back into the ring. We head to another commercial break with Cesaro hitting multiple punches to the temple of his opponent. Cena tries a side suplex and Cesaro hits a massive DDT for a two count.

Cena hits a powerbomb for a two count. Back and forth we go, both men are exchanging blows. A big boot and a superplex from the outside gets another close call. Cesaro lands on his feet from an attempted AA and hits an uppercut. Multiple boots hit their opponents and Cesaro goes up top. He catches him and hits an AA from the top rope for the victory.

The brute strength of Cesaro is absolutely incredible. Cena is not a small guy and Cesaro seems to swing him around like a rag doll. As for Cena, he makes the first 35 minutes of Raw excatly what it needed. He gave us a great promo, one that was intense and heartfelt, followed up with a great match with Cesaro. WWE Needs to find something for Cesaro. He is too good in the ring and continues to improve on the mic to be wasted. Smart move by WWE in putting Cena against one of the safest workers in WWE.

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Paige comes out and says that her emotions get the best of her. She says AJ is still her best friend. She says that she crossed the line and says AJ took her title. Out comes AJ Lee, who asks if anyone believes her. AJ Lee says she does not play little girl games and that if she has a problem with you, she will say it to their face. Paige calls her crazy, which looks to upset AJ. Paige says she will never make fun of her mental health. AJ attacks Paige and the women brawl in the ring. Paige is tossed to the outside and AJ rams her into the barricade. Paige retreats. 

Another solid segment that was not ruined by idiots in the crowd chanting CM Punk. Paige and AJ Lee have some good chemistry that will continue to evolve in the coming weeks. A rematch is exactly what is needed here. It is crazy how interesting Paige gets when she turns on AJ. They are trying to talk about friends, but Paige knows that a championship is more important. We will see that in the coming weeks. They gave us some action, which was ALL we needed.

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