WWE Legends House Cast Reputations & Stories, Sheamus Beaten Up By Sin Cara

WWE Legends' House CasrI write a wrestling column every Monday and Friday for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. It can be found online at TribLIVE.com. The latest column is a compliation of top stories and my thoughts on them including the reputations of the WWE Legends' House cast. Here is an excerpt:

A buffet of news, incidents and comedy in the wrestling world. Let's get to them one at a time:

• News came out this past week of Sheamus getting into a backstage altercation with the guy who portrays Hunico/Sin Cara. I talked to people who were backstage and witnessed it. The conclusion is Sheamus got his life saved by the fight being broken up by a particular mid-card talent who actually had to do the pulling apart. Sheamus owes that guy. The big Irish “tough guy” is 0-2, as Yoshi Tatsu put him in his place years ago. Don't mess with the Job Squad.

• The trio of 3MB and Hornswoggle is growing on me. Not everybody on a roster can be main event. You need to have a well-rounded roster. They are currently making the most out of their television minutes. Everything from the phenomenal — and I do mean phenomenal — pre-show match from Extreme Rules to some funny segments you can see on the WWE app. I'm starting to look forward to seeing them each week. If one of them makes Sheamus 0-3, I'll buy the first piece of 3MB merchandise made.

• I like the Adam Rose character, but in hindsight it would have been better if WWE held the debut off until it goes to Europe later this month. The energy of the audience and their passion would have had them singing his theme song all night. Gave a better overall babyface impression to the world, so when he comes back to places like Albany, NY, those people know what to do. If I like Adam Rose, does that mean I have to like Russell Brand?

• Dixie Carter tweeted some ridiculous things regarding Jim Ross knowing very little and TNA never copying from WWE. She later deleted the tweets. Nice to see she hired the same guy who manages Kurt Angle's account.

• For those who keep track of my preferences, it's official: Lana has moved up to number one in my power rankings of favorite Diva right now. CRUSH!

• If you're not already, you should be watching WWE Legends' House. It's an entertaining 45 minutes a week. Having met or worked with a majority of the cast, it does display their different personalities quite accurately while having them take part in typical reality show ballyhoo (not a Vince Russo plug).

Some observations:

• Roddy Piper is a man on his own island always in character of being “Rowdy” Roddy Piper. I'm still not sure what bothered him so much that first night where he couldn't sleep and wandered to the desert.

• Jimmy Hart is exactly who I want to be and look like when I'm 70. Who am I kidding, I just want his hair at 70. Well, actually I want it now.

• Hillbilly Jim is getting well-deserved exposure to a younger generation of fans who might be watching. He's proving that having less fame and stress in his wrestling days out of all the other guys is paying off for him now with his sanity, appearance and daily life skills.

• Good to see Howard Finkel, but wow. Looks like The Fink ate Dink. Here's to hoping he accomplishes whatever weight and health goals he has. For the record, he's one of the nicest guys in wrestling you'll ever meet.

How I walked into a room I shouldn't have backstage with Tony Atlas in it, Hacsksaw Jim Duggan vs Tony Atlas, David Benoit debut cancelled and a night at a bar with Mean Gene Okerlund. CLICK HERE TO READ.