Isenberg and Killam Predict WWE SummerSlam: What Should and Will Happen

Ziggler + 3 Bras = This Match

Dolph Ziggler & Kaitlyn vs. Big E Langston & AJ Lee

Isenberg: I have said this multiple times and I stand by it. This needs to be the end of these four feuding for various reasons. Ever since Ziggler lost the title, WWE has been making him look weak and lose constantly. He is still going to be cheered because he is a likable guy in the ring and his offensive techniques cater to the fans’ applause. Ziggler needs to get back the WHC picture and a victory here will ultimately propel him back to where he belongs. Ziggler and Kaitlyn pick up the victory.

Killam: I agree with Josh, that since they’ve already killed Ziggler and AJ’s relationship, they need to distance them. There’s always going to be some storyline drama between the two, but this can’t go on for two or three months. I’m into this match for one time, and one time only. I like Big E Langston; actually I like everyone in this match, as characters, and I think they are capable of putting on something entertaining at SummerSlam. But Kaitlyn and Ziggler won’t work together long term. The women don’t need the men to prop up their division, they need consistency and good storytelling, which they’ve actually had for a few months now. The outcome of this match completely depends on where in the card it is placed. If it’s at the start of the show, they’ll give the babyfaces a win to keep the crowd excited. If it’s between main events, they’ll give the heels the win to make Daniel Bryan and/or CM Punk’s victories a bigger occasion