Isenberg and Killam Predict WWE SummerSlam: What Should and Will Happen

World Heavyweight Championship

Christian vs. Alberto del Rio (c)

Isenberg: We have gotten this match for free three times in the past 4 weeks. I could make a strong case for either guy, but I just do not understand why Christian needs to win the title here. He gets put into this match for what reason? A veteran like him should be doing something different. The story lacks interest and lacks a purpose. This shows you that the World Heavyweight Championship is, without a doubt, the mid card title these days. The in-ring action will be wonderful, but the lack of importance or story behind it confuses me. Del Rio wins. 

Killam: Like Josh said, we’ve been handed this match for free way too many times. This is a really bad habit WWE has with the world championship, especially on Smackdown. They know people will buy the pay-per-view for the WWE Championship match, and any other attractions on the card, so they completely under-sell the importance of their secondary title. I’m not a big fan of Christian, and I do like Alberto del Rio. That being said, Christian provides more options for WWE right now as a babyface champion, opening doors for matches against Damien Sandow or Wade Barrett, or perhaps even faction stars like Dean Ambrose or Bray Wyatt. I’m going with Christian to win here.