Superstar Spotlight

Superstar Spotlight: Another ‘Streak’ Article

So there you have it, CM Punk versus the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 29 is officially official now. The match the internet wrestling community was predicting since The Rock won the title is happening. I have said it, and I know many people have agreed, that the match would have meant so much more if Punk still had the title. Without getting into Rock versus John Cena needing or not needing the title, Punk’s reign versus ‘the streak’ would have sold itself. The match we have right now is just as good, even if the buildup got a bit of a late start. Punk needed a win going into this match, and winning a match with three former (credible) World Champions gives him the right boost. 

Punk said he didn’t care about Wrestlemania until he saw the Undertaker came back. He sells the importance of the streak, and he gives the Undertaker more credibility, eventhough it’s a moot point at this stage of his career. Undertaker came back, rolled his eyes, did the routine, yadda yadda, and it still doesn’t get old. I know there are enough people out there making fun of Taker’s age and physique, but it’s ridiculous to think he would let his career go on too long. As long as he can perform and put on a good match, who cares if he’s bald? Seriously does natural age take precedence over character and ability? (It sure as shit shouldn’t.) It might not be your favorite match last year, but you can’t deny that the ‘End of an Era’ match at Wrestlemania 28 was great. It made a lot of people’s ‘best of’ lists, and it deserved to be there. Think of how many years now people have speculated about Taker’s retirement, and how many good matches he’s had after he was ‘out of his prime.’ Edge, HBK twice, HHH, and a few others while he was still more active. Taker can still get the job done and entertain people.

Now that the match is set, the conversation moves to the big question: who wins? Sure, you could always say it’s a foregone conclusion that Taker wins. It’s the streak, so it can’t end. Right? I think this year more than ever, at least since Edge or Randy Orton took him on, there is a lot of talk about Punk being the guy to end the streak. Is it the right decision? Would Taker let it happen? Would Punk turn it down (like Orton was rumored to do years ago)? No one knows because we aren’t backstage, that’s the simple truth. WWE hooked most of us already because we are debating the end result, so give them credit where it’s due. Here’s one more match to look forward to on the card that is sarcastically referred to as ‘RematchMania.’

What do I think? I really don’t know. I’m a Punk fan, so sure I would want it to be him. On the other hand, it’s the streak; it can’t end. There’s other ways to look at it too: would Taker let Punk be the guy to do it, and would WWE want Punk be the guy to do it. I always thought if someone were to end the streak, it should be someone who was credible, would be around awhile, and deserved it. Right now, there’s a few guys who could even fit that mold: Punk and Cena. I’ll even include Orton for argument’s sake, but I think he had his shot and doesn’t need it anymore.

Punk has said he plans to retire in a few years, but he’s also said he does want to be the guy to end it. There’s so much speculation as to what will happen, but the good thing about it is people are talking about Wrestlemania in a positive light. This is what Taker brings to the table; you know you’ll get a good or great match, be entertained, or both. If this is the last hurrah, I’m going to enjoy it win or lose, especially since I’ll be there live, but more importantly because the streak is legendary and whoever gets to wrestle him knows it’s such an honor.


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