The Cashbox: WWE MITB, Monday Night Raw, Impact Wrestling

My grandmother passed yesterday. She had been struggling for months to fight a second bout with cancer. She held on to the very end and although I'm incredibly sad that she's gone, I'm relieved at the same time to know she's now in peace.

She used to live with me and my parents when I was a kid. Monday nights were "Wrestling & Oatmeal Day". By 6:45 CST, she'd have my bowl of oatmeal ready without ever needing a reminder, and I'd go sit in my room to begin watching over three straight hours of wrestling.

I'm not asking for pity.

I shared this here hoping it might remind you that life is short, and precious. Remember that family, friends, and your relationship with God (if you have one) should take priority over everthing else in life.

Pro wrestling, of course, comes next!

And with that said, let's talk some wrasslin'…

Monday Night Raw – One Step Down

I don't like to spend too much time in the past, especially when there's a big pay per view event coming up, but Vince McMahon and all of those involved in creating what we were given this past Monday deserve even more negative attention than they've already received.

It was horrible.

Even worse, it was the go-home to a PPV and their last chance to convince fans it's worth shelling out $50+ to see. They didn't do that on any level.

I get it. July 23rd and the 1,000th episode is the top priority. It seems to be the ONLY priority. But that's not an excuse or a suitable reason not to even try in the meantime.

IF there was something good that came out of Monday Night Raw this past week, it's not worth acknowledging. The lasting impression will easily be the stupidity and nonsense that occurred.

When Hornswoggle being revealed as the anonymous GM is the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about it, you know it was a pretty terrible edition of Raw.