Pay-Per-Review: 2011 TNA Turning Point PPV

Rob Van Dam vs Christopher Daniels

First, please get rid of the screwdriver. That's one of the stupidest gimmicks you could use in a wrestling company. It's not believable in the least bit. Daniels is never going to stab anyone – especially on camera – and you aren't gaining anything by using that type of weapon. Other than that, I've really enjoy Daniels' recent work. RVD is always hit or miss for me in the ring. When he's motivated and inspired, he's excellent. When he's not, it just seems like he's going through the motions. He seemed a bit like the latter last night. Maybe it's the program with Daniels – I'm not sure – but in any case, it wasn't one of Rob's best performances. However, if you're a fan of his work, you'll enjoy last night's match just the same.

Crimson/Matt Morgan

I was really looking forward to this match heading into the pay per view. Aside from the main event, this one had my interest the most. Saying that, it was also the biggest disappointment of the night. By TNA standards, both Crimson and Morgan are main event talent. They are the "stars of tomorrow" in that company and need to be protected. Because of that fact, I understand the logic behind a Double DQ finish. Had it been pulled off more effectively, I would have been perfectly okay with it. But it wasn't. It was vey weak. It was also following a very mediocre match as well. It revealed Crimson's weaknesses between the ropes and brought Morgan down as collateral damage. Crimson's gimmick and "bad ass" attitude should allow for him to hide some of his inabilities in the ring through pure aggression.  That's easier said than done with a 7' giant and last night's match between the two of them proved that. I'm still holding out hope for their program going forward, but if this is what we can expect everytime they lock up, I may just have to close my eyes during their matches.

Jeff Hardy Beats Jeff Jarrett…Three Times?

I'm not sure what it was, but personally, I didn't mind it. I found last night's match between the two Jeff's comical in some weird way. It was unexpected and unique – I liked that part of it. However, I'm more concerned with the fact that it's not over. Jarrett tweeted that he'll get back at Hardy in the future. What's the point now? He couldn't put Hardy away after an unprotected chair shot AND his finisher. If this was an attempt to put Jeff Hardy over (clearly it was), then it worked. I don't love Jarrett in major storylines, but he's perfect for this type of role. He has' real. His past drama and love triangle with the Angle's made him very easy to hate – even more than he already was. That's beneficial when you want to put over one of your top babyfaces. For that reason, I was fine with their match last night. I just hope it ends at Turning Point. I'm sure it won't though.

The Main Event

Best match of the night and if it weren't for the 20 other roll-up finishes last night, I wouldn't have minded this one. TNA has a knack for repeating damn near everything during pay per views and I'm not sure why that is. It reeks of uncreativity and laziness. Aside from that, I loved everything about last night's main event. The pre-match promo by Roode was delivered to perfection. It's exactly what I was hoping he'd accomplish as a heel again. I think it allows him to be more creative on the mic. Styles will always be a good go-to guy to do two things: work a great match and put someone over. I'm not saying he can't be more than that again because he certainly could and should at some point, but when he's not on top, he always has the credibility and support of the fans to help elevate someone else. This match was very good and I refuse to allow the weak, repeat finish to ruin it. It was the best part about last night.

Chris Cash can be reached at or on Twitter @RealityofChris.