Title This: WWE Friday Night Smackdown Reaction 9-30-2011

Sin Cara def. Heath Slater

We get a quick match squashing Slater. There was great flying moves, but it was way too quick of a match, especially when he will be in a Pay Per View match Sunday.

What I liked:

The fast paced action in the ring, as Slater is a good opponent for anyone. Slater does make other guys look good. I also liked the color change to black, as the other Cara needs to be different really quick to not make this dull.

What I Disliked:

Not enough time in this match to give it a meaning. You could easily give them a few more minutes. I do not like the build, as we have heard only a few sentences. Hopefully, the action at Hell in a Cell will be worth to watch. I just do not buy this "stealing" identities storyline. I feel like they wrote themselves into a corner.

Grade of Segment: C

John Lauranitis is with David Otunga, Christian, Dolph, Vickie, Swagger, and Rhodes. They say they are all in for Monday. I liked how they all came to an agreement, did not waste too much TV time, and we continue to wonder what will actually happen. B grade here.

Kelly Kelly vs. Natalya:

A typical divas match, with a quick win from Kelly Kelly after getting controlled and dominated by Natayla.

What I liked:

Having Kelly Kelly get beaten down post match, because she always is made to look like a survivor. She needs to be seen vulnerable. Also, the microphone with Kelly screaming was amusing to me. She did not get help from Eve, so I enjoyed her not overcoming once again.

What I disliked:

Why have they not given Natalya a chance after two losses for Beth? I wonder what she is there for if she does not compete for the Divas Championship. Other than than, the segment was okay. the match did not build, but was a typical KK rollup for the win.

Grade of segment: C-


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