Wrestling Reality: A Brief Response To Kevin Kelly

Fantasy/Reality Alert…

We have a Triple H on our hands here at Wrestlezone.com. It seems as if Kevin Kelly is trying to put himself over and hold down the young talent.

Sure, I like Kevin’s columns as much as the next guy. We had an absolute blast when we met, he’s a great writer, and a GGGtK (generally good guy to know). However, his math skills seem to be a tad off.

Trust me…I get it – like many fading stars before him, he’s just trying to hold on to his moment in the sun. I can just imagine 50 years from now when I’m Kevin’s age (that’d make me nearly 80, that seems about right, no?) and a fresh young star comes along to try to take my place. It will hurt. But I will help put the new talent over and bow out graciously. I certainly won’t fabricate things like Kevin did to try to hold the new guy down.

I actually knew nothing of these facts Kevin was spewing forth…I assumed he was just putting himself over by making up a fictional claim of being WZ’s fave columnist (w/Disco second). However, a fine WZ reader told me about a poll that I had missed regarding the favorite exclusive columnist on WZ. So, I went to check it out…expecting to see Kevin and Glenn #1 and #2. Here’s the tally as it currently stands:

ERIC STEIN – 1,559






Well, well, well. Seems as if Kevin needs to double check his numbers. It doesn’t like like he’s in first by my count. Not only am I #1…Not only did I beat him…I beat him by 887 votes – hence, I beat him by more votes than he even received. In fact, all FIVE other columnists combined only are ahead of my individual total by 20 votes. Never underestimate the power of reality television!

Now sure, I could have been the bigger man and let this obvious mistake go. As they say, a charitable act is only truly charitable when you don’t take credit for it, otherwise it’s really a self-serving act to make yourself feel good. Well, screw charity…damn right this is self serving! Read it and weep, Kelly. Sure, you have a few good years left…consider yourself at HBK levels…you’re certainly still respected, popular, the 3 match from the end on the PPV. But I am the next big thing in wrestling columnists. I’m on top, so get used to looking up at me.