Ring Rewind (Article): Kennedy, Raw Still Sucks, More


Hello wrestling fans and welcome to yet another edition of Ring Rewind. It’s been just as exciting of a week outside the ring as it has inside of the week. Ok maybe not as exciting. But almost as exciting. Ok, not almost as exciting. But it was exciting. Ok, it wasn’t exciting. But stuff happened. Yeah, that’s it. Stuff happened.
Perhaps the biggest story to come out of this week was the release Mr. Kennedy….Kennedy. Now, Lord knows everyone and their dog (pending their dog watches wrestling and, ya know, knows how to write) has written about this story. So chances are, whatever I write has been written before. All I’ll say is that I’m bummed but this definitely won’t be the end of Mr. Kennedy…Kennedy. Goldust has been re-hired what, like fifteen times? This will be a good time for Kennedy, er, Anderson, to reevaluate, rededicate, and refocus. I promise you, my children, you have not seen the last of MISTERRRRRRRRRRR Kennedy…
Ring of Honor may fans may have seen the last of Ric Flair for a while though. It’s being reported that Flair has, or is close to resigning with WWE. I think this is the best choice. Ric Flair will benefit the most from being a part of WWE, both financially and in terms of prestige. Ric Flair belongs in the Big League, it’s as easy as that.
In the Hogan drama department, Linda is accusing Hulk of doing drugs, and Brooke admitted that she wasn’t a virgin and that she had implants…In related news, professional wrestling is fake and our president is black. Seriously though, I have a confession to make. I watch Brooke Knows Best. Not only that, but I also enjoy it. I think Brooke is a pretty girl and I have a bit of a crush on her. Plus, she’s frickin Hulk Hogan’s daughter! I watched the sneak preview of the new season, that will air next week, and I was taken aback by my feelings on it. The fact of the matter is, the Hogan’s are a family. They have struggles. They have problems. They have difficulties. But they have love for each other, and one can tell that. I know I can. Heaven knows they’ve been through a lot; they’ve made mistakes. Haven’t you? I have. The only difference between you and me and them is that their problems are seen through a glass house. Yes, in some cases they put themselves in that situation, but sometimes they didn’t. I feel for the Hogans. Plus, it may be just me, but seeing Hulk Hogan, one of America’s true idols for a very long time, cry was a sight that I never want to see again.
Randy Orton freaked out on a Mexican talk show host and then WWE said it was a work. Perhaps it would have been a good idea if the talk show in question was Regis or some other, AMERICAN show. Now, I have nothing against Mexico, I’ve been there a few times and the people are great and the food is better, but the majority of WWE’s audience is in America. That’s where the most waves are made. If Randy Orton flipped and started yelling at Kelly, it would be huge news. Right now, it looks like a cheap publicity stunt that won’t really amount to anything at all.
In terms of actual wrestling, Raw still sucks, Smackdown still rules, and TNA Impact is slowly becoming awesome again. There’s a pay per view coming up called Extreme Rules, in case you haven’t heard. There are two matches that would make me get this PPV. Chris Jericho VS Rey Misterio, and Jeff Hardy VS Edge. Not surprisingly, both of these matches come from Smackdown. That said, I’m not going to get this PPV. I’m relatively sure that Jeff is not going to win, so my main purpose would be just to see the match unfold. I figure, I can wait a few days and see it on Youtube.
Raw rebounded a bit from the “Denver Debacle,” but it still isn’t, um, good. Kofi Kingston defeated Montel Vannypack Porter for the United States Heavyweight Championship of the World in an excellent match. Sadly, this was the only highlight. Maybe I’ve drank too much Pepsi, but I actually can’t remember what else happened. Wow. Oh yeah! Batista killed Cody Rhodes in a cage and then Legacy did the same to Ric Flair. I guess it was an ok finish to an ok show, but this is eerily reminiscent of about two months ago when Orton handcuffed HHH and violated his wife….make your own joke about Ric Flair being Batista’s wife…yukka yukka yukka. Whatever.
ECW continues to amaze. Christian fought Tyson Kidd in an incredible match and Tommy Dreamer delivered a heartfelt promo, only to be interrupted by Jack Swaggah. This is Booking 101- building up a PPV match, while simultaneously building up a rising star and a veteran. ECW is slowly becoming watchable. Like you had anything better to watch on Tuesday nights anyway.
Impact delivered another strong episode. TNA keeps getting better and better. Foley is actually a very very convincing heel. He said in his book that every good heel should believe that he is justified, and Foley very much does think that. Heck, I almost think that. Cactus Mick, job well done! Shane Douglas, Raven, and Victor…er…Tara all made their presence felt, and I’m still extremely excited that they are in the company. All three are tremendous performers and only add to the already solid TNA roster.
Smackdown put on yet another outstanding show with great matches, intense promos, and proper PPV building. Smackdown truly is the “A” show now. Now I actually have an excuse to stay home on Friday nights, other than I don’t have anything else to do! Bonus!
It’s the Monday after Extreme Rules that I’m finishing this up, and wow! I predicted that this would be another “sleeper” PPV but boy was I wrong! 5, count them, 5 title changes occurred. Some people aren’t too psyched about the show, but if I had seen it, I definitely would have! CM Punk is the World Heavyweight Champion, which is awesome! Batista is the new WWE Champion, but that probably won’t last past tonight- at least that’s what most people are predicting. Tommy Dreamer captured the ECW Championship, and Chris Jericho is the new Intercontinental Champion. Again. I’m happy about all of those title changes and for the first time in a long time I’m excited about WWE again, including Raw! Also, WWE released Umaga which is very strange. There has to be something more to this story, and no doubt wrestlezone.com will provide all the juicy, probably fake, possibly real gossip as it becomes available. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you next week! As always, I’m not sayin’, I’m just sayin’.