Could Ken Anderson Do For TNA What His Idol Did For WWE?

So it has been 48 days since Ken Anderson was released from his duties as Mr.Kennedy in the WWE. This means he is 42 days away from the ability to once again be an active performer in professional wrestling.

As most of us know, Anderson has cited Steve Austin for igniting his interest back into wrestling in the 90’s, and Anderson wanted to reach the same level of succes that the "Texas Rattlesnake" did.

Austin served as a barometer for success while Anderson was a WWE superstar, but Austin and his legacy could be influencial to Anderson who may be getting prepared to start a new phase of his wrestling career with WWE’s biggest competition.

I don’t have an inside scoop, nor am I trying to make it come off that I do. In fact, the only time I have ever spent personally with Anderson was a night after a RAW, and he was staying across the hall from me in the hotel and was locked out. I let him use the hotel phone in my room to call the front desk.

I am simply taking a guess like everyone else, but it wouldn’t be a terrible gamble to put your money on him showing up in TNA.

The typical situation is that Anderson would just be another former WWE talent in TNA that fans all recognize and TNA brands him a new character or spins off the mannerisms of his WWE Kennedy character.

But Anderson and his abilities to entertain are far from typical.

TNA is not at the level of popularity and profit that WWE is, but WWE was falling behind to the surging WCW in the second part of 1996. It was then that through one memorable interview in Milwaukee that the "Austin 3:16" train left the station.

Austin had been released from WCW while injured. He then did a stint in ECW before arriving in late 1995 to Vince McMahon.

Much like Austin up until that point, Anderson has experienced teases of success. He has wins over some very established names and has carried a mid-card level belt, but has been fighting bad luck and politics.

In 42 days, I ask myself, could Ken Anderson be the "Ringmaster" and missing piece that brings TNA to the next level of competiton with the WWE?


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