Forget The Jeff Hardy’s…We Need More Guys Like The Miz


In a time where sports entertainment gets more critiques from everyone about the depth of the writing, characters, and even the lives some outside ring, one emerging self made star stands out to applaud.


His name is The Miz and he is AWESOME!


I don’t know about anyone else which is why I am especially interested in your emails but I thought Mike Mizanin was another waste of a roster spot when he joined a few years ago. Shame on me!


First off this guy had a plan and marketed himself from the start. He was on a very well known reality show “The Real World.” Whether you like it or has any status in your world, its well known. Mike carried around a toy wrestling belt and did not hide his love for wrestling. That was the first step. My girlfriend who doesn’t follow wrestling close at all even looked up at the television one night and said “Hey its Mike from Real World.”


Then once he was in the WWE, he stayed in. He hosted the Divas search, he did whatever was asked from him. He took crap from guys who didn’t think much of him but he kept his chin up and continued to develop his craft.


In 2009, whoever claims to helping The Miz and his character development and writing should get some credit. He has been played perfectly and timely. He was given adequate time in a tag team with Morrison and improved his in-ring ability, timing, talking and all elements. Then when he breaks off and you question what he can do on his own…..he calls out JOHN CENA.


Then as he gets the Bu** S**t wins that he is counting as a win against Cena you are just annoyed if you are a Cena fan, or if you hate Cena you at least chuckle and don’t turn the channel.


Finally he goes face to face with Cena a few times and actually holds his own both in the story booking of the match as he gets some offense, plus he holds his own with a natural good performance.


So then after going eye to eye with the big dog, he gets traditional wrestling gear but keeps the same attitude, and has since put on some great matches. Matches with Kofi have been great to watch.


Finally as of last monday he steals the United States title. Thats brilliant for him to do. I know its been done before but not many times, at least not enough to where you immediately can recall the month and year.


Its brilliant for his character. I mean if you think about it, a guy like him would just take the title. Its always out of the champs hands at ringside and Miz came so close in his matches, of course he would think to himself that he is the one who deserves it so he should just take it.


I think he is on his way and he needs that one good long running program with a violent but good culmination of a match, maybe even shed a little blood and that will be a huge elevation in his career.


Before Shawn Michaels retires, I’d love to see HBK have a few matches and promos against The Miz.


So while we have cocaine and drugs in homes, wellness policy violations on current title holders, lets not forget that mixed into a blender of personalities are some performers who you truly want to stand up and applaud or boo!


Interested to hear what you think of The Miz and what I had to say.


Also don’t forget to check out the Chair Shot Reality video series every week here on Wrestlezone where we let you the fans and your emails run the show!