Let HBK Carry The Belt To Mania!

This Sunday’s Survivor Series presents an opportunity for a good creative move by the WWE. John Cena wins and its same old same old. Triple H wins, okay the belt changes but how many times now would it be for Hunter?

HBK wins…..interesting….I wonder what happens next?! Obviously this wouldn’t be the first time Michaels would walk out of a PPV with the belt, especially a Survivor Series, but I think within the content it would be a shocker and fresh.

Survivor Series is on my birthday and is coming from my hometown where I grew up, so lets see if they can provide me and my column a birthday present of satisfaction. 

HBK wins it and all of the sudden you have the same position that DX was in back in the fall of 1997 going into 1998. DX on top with popularity and with the WWE championship. HBK carries it into WrestleMania just as he did going into Mania 14 in 1998.

Just as it ended in 1998, Shawn drops the belt but the difference being instead of him limping off the wrestling scene to walk the line of death, he gets carried off in the highest honor!

Shawn Michaels as the champ brings some fresh matches to the main event scene for the next few months. If he takes the belt all the way to WrestleMania and wants that to be his final dance, than he goes out against Triple H. Royal Rumble comes around, Triple H wins it and builds for two months to be the finals days of DX, first with the two of them talking about how much respect they have but eventually building the tension and fuel to the fire.

If HBK doesn’t want this to be his farewell than have him and Randy Orton headline WrestleMania.

Either way, the most experienced guy in the locker room leads WWE into what should be an interesting 2010. One way or the other it will be interesting. I say this on the fact that we all know TNA is going to have what appears to be significant changes. I didn’t say good, I didn’t say bad. We won’t know until it begins to happen.

If you hop over and read Mark Madden’s columns, he thinks bad for TNA, and he may be correct. But we won’t know until the time comes with Hogan holding the cards and whatever decisions he makes go into effect. You should check it out, because it is a good read and he has some good insight.

No matter how you look at it, by the end of 2010, I feel things will be very different than they are now. Either TNA will have committed suicide or we will have a wrestling war on our hands. Things will not be the same situation they are at this point in time.

With all this, I go back to the point of start 2010 off with HBK holding the belt and your either going to have the wrestling worlds attention for the first 3 months of 2010 because one of the biggest names ever is on his farewell tour or you have a great opportunity for your most established star to once more do what so many old school wrestling fans love….which is him to be on top and making everyone else hate it!

Next to bring Austin or Rock back, I always hear the fans who want wrestling to be better or more like it use to be say they like the old school guys like Taker and Michaels to have the belt. As proven by crowd and merchandise, everyone still has the DX bug, so let DX run the show by having the belt.

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