A British Point of View – Dashingly Priceless?

So we are now 5 months removed from Wrestlemania 26 and the end of Legacy, so where are they now? 

Randy Orton is being shaped into the anti-hero Aka Stone Cold Steve Austin of the PG rated era and the team of Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase Jr have been split up with slightly newer gimmicks.
The second that the team of Legacy formed we all had an idea of where things were heading quite quickly.
We all expected Orton to continue on in his sadistic ways, we expected Cody Rhodes to fall into the mid card and we expected Ted Dibiase to make his push for the main event scene.
My oh my what has happened?
I find myself shocked to say that the one person who I’m more interested to see at the moment is “Dashing” Cody Rhodes. Allow myself to explain further.
Ted Dibiase has the looks and the personality, however he currently doesn’t have the character. Now I know that I’ve mentioned lazy bookings in the past but I feel with the current persona that Ted is undertaking he is allowing himself to fall into the shadows.
He is instantly coming off as a bad replica of his father and being booked in a lazy fashion which is further highlighting this. Now I understand why they are running the current character but I do not find it intriguing to see Ted obtain exactly the same bodyguard as his father had and run round with the belt that his father once made famous.
Now I know that they have put Maryse on his arm now but it’s still just a poor reboot of an old character. He is currently running a gimmick that I would expect him to have if he were entering the business on television for the first time (similar to how Alberto Del Rio is currently.)
The way WWE are projecting him at the moment makes it look like the years before with Legacy never happened.
We all know that Ted is talented and will be in the main event scene at some point but I wish they would put some more originality into his character.
Have him buy a championship if you want to be shocking, have him leading Nexus but please don’t have him copying his father all time because:
1)    It has already been done and
2)    His father did it better
Now let’s have a look at Cody Rhodes. This is a man who I didn’t think could ever pull out of the mid card because of his size. Now he is a smaller athlete than Ted but when compared to him closely there isn’t really much difference. The main reason why I think Cody looks so small is because of the fact that he does not wear any knee pads.
If Cody put some knee pads on I think he would look the same size as John Morrison, R-Truth, CM Punk and Ted DIbiase.
With all that put aside he is currently the one who looks like he might develop into someone on the main stage just as quick or even quicker than Ted Dibiase.
The character of “Dashing” Cody Rhodes is being used to great effect. He has gone the polar opposite to the character that his father displayed and is making every effort (much as Dustin Runnels did) to become his own man and character.
He is showing signs of the classic heel and with a bit longer on television and storylines I could see him become a main eventer within future years.
I am quite surprised with myself because I used to watch and listen to Cody and think that time is ticking for the poor guy with his bland character and voice, but now I look at him and seeing him become somebody who is arrogant and cocky with style. He’s no Ric Flair but everyone has to start somewhere right?
I think Cody Rhodes entrance is the most inventive thing I’ve seen in wrestling entrances since John Morrison’s slow mo. It works to portray his character further and instantly gives new fans an understanding of who and what he is.
People who don’t watch wrestling often will watch the occasional show and are not sure on who the heels and faces are because you have to get to understand the characters before you realise what there intensions are. Cody Rhodes instantly comes out looks into that mirror on the screen and instantly says to you “I’m a smug t*** and im better than you” and I think that’s great! I’m hoping he continues his momentum and hopefully learns to put on some damn knee pads!
What are your thoughts? Do you think they could have kept Legacy together for longer to build their characters further or have they done the correct thing in putting these characters out there?
Email me at beansontoastuk@msn.com and if you are currently on Twitter then follow me www.twitter.com/beansontoastuk.