This week on 2 Dynamite Dudes On A Rampage, Marcus & Dominic discuss Kenny Omega vs. Bryan Danielson being officially official for Grand Slam at Arthur Ashe. Plus:
- Adam Cole’s in-ring debut, BAY BAY!
- CM Punk joining commentary & getting to grapple with Powerhouse Hobbs next week!
- Chris Jericho going up against Dan Lambert!
- Mixing Minoru, Murderhawk, Mox & a Mad King for Grand Slam!
- MJF talking trash to the late Brian Pillman!
- Miro likely totaling Fuego Del Sol’s soul and new wheels!
- Malakai brawls it out with Cody!
- Sting & Darby tag up once again!
- and more!
Join the degenerate brothers LIVE at 8 PM EST as they answer all questions regarding Dynamite & Rampage!
2 Dynamite Dudes On A Rampage is hosted by WrestleZone and features writer Dominic DeAngelo discussing the weekly ongoings of All Elite Wrestling with his degenerate brother Marcus.
Don’t wanna see their ugly mugs? Subscribe to the 2 Dynamite Dudes podcast!
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RELATED: 2 Dynamite Dudes On A Rampage LIVE: ‘WKR-Punk In Cincinnati’ (8 PM EST)