WWE NXT Results (7/19) Moon Battles Riot, Dain Takes on McIntyre to Crown a New Number One Contender!

NXT_coverageWWE NXT Results

July 19th, 2017
Report By Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Ember Moon vs Ruby Riot

Moon and Riot lock up. Riot locks in an arm bar. Moon counters. Riot sends Moon into the ropes. Moon does a front roll under a leaping Riot. Moon pulls Riot down into a pin. Riot and Moon exchange multiple pinning combinations but neither can get the upper hand. Moon attempts an O’Connor roll. Riot counters. Moon takes Riot over with a kip up head scissors. Riot attempts a monkey flip. Moon catches Riot in midair and bounces Riot off the ropes. Riot transition into a monkey flip but Moon front flips out of it and lands on her feet. Riot and man engage in a test of strength. Riot lands a few deep arm drags, then spinning head scissors for a near fall. Riot locks in a rear chin lock. Moon reverses and slams Riot to the mat with a drop toe hold. Moon ties up Riot in a bow and arrow. Riot roll out and lands on top of Moon for another near fall. Riot elbow Moon in the face before driving Moon face first into the turnbuckle. Saito suplex by Riot for another two count. Moon manages to land a few kicks, followed by the Lethal combination.


After the break, Moon sends Riot to the apron. Riot shoulder blocks Moon. Riot climbs up top and hits a senton bomb. Moon somehow kicks out. Riot misses a running knee in the corner. Moon lifts up Riot in a side slam into a spinning slam. Riot kicks out. Moon goes up top but Riot cuts her off. Riot chops Moon in the chest before joining Moon on the top rope. Tope rope hurricanrana by Riot! Riot goes for a pin but Moon manages to get her shoulders off the mat before the three count. Moon and Riot are going all out for a potential shot at the NXT Women’s championship. Moon levels Riot with a discus right hand. Riot misses a clothesline. Moon obliterates Rio with a leaping kick. Moon drops Riot with a modified side effect. Riot tumbles into the corner. Front flip clothesline by Moon. Moon climbs the ropes and hits the Eclipse for the win!

Winner- Ember Moon