WZ Flashback: WrestleMania 31 Results – The New Era Begins


In the spirit of the holidays, I’ve decided to do a flashback PPV series, where I’ll be doing the play by play of the following four PPV’s (Money in the Bank 2011, WrestleMania’s 4 and 31 and Royal Rumble 1998) as if it was today. Your guys support for these play by play pieces has meant alot to me and the entire WrestleZone crew. Hope you guys and girls have an amazing Christmas and New Year.

This particular WrestleMania means alot to me because this was the very first WrestleMania I got to cover as part of the media. Big shoutouts to Joe Villa and Adam Hopkins from WWE PR for making this dream a reality.

WrestleMania 31 Results
March 29th, 2015
Retrospective Report By Joshua Lopez for WrestleZone.com

First Match: Tyson Kidd & Cesaro (c) w/Natalya vs. Los Matadores w/El Torito vs. The New Day w/Xavier Woods vs. The Usos w/Naomi in a Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship 

Cesaro and Kofi starts things off. Cesaro and Kofi goes into the collar and elbow tie up. Cesaro lands a european uppercut. Kofi slides under Cesaro. Kofi dropkicks Cesaro. Diego tags himself in. Cesaro whips Jey shoulder first into the barricade. Diego leapfrogs over Kofi. Kofi goes for a hip toss, but Diego blocks it. Kofi connects with the monkey flip for a two count. Diego kicks Kofi in the leg. Diego tags in Fernando. Fernando with a slingshot senton. Cesaro tags himself in. Cesaro applies a rear chin lock. Jey Uso is taken to the backstage area. Cesaro knocks Big E off the ring apron. Cesaro tags in Kidd. Cesaro gets Kofi in the Cesaro Swing. Kidd connects with the wrecking ball dropkick for a two count. Kidd & Cesaro begins brawling with the Matadores.

Kidd applies a rear chin lock. Kidd goes for a back body drop, but Kofi gets back on his feet. Kofi tags in Jimmy Uso. Jimmy with a series of clotheslines to Kidd. Jimmy with a thrust kick to the chest of Kidd. Jimmy connects with the Samoan Drop. Jimmy SuperKicks Cesaro, Fernando and Big E. Jimmy proceeds to land three running stink faces. Kofi with a flying crossbody onto Diego on the outside. Jimmy SuperKicks Kidd in mid-air for a two count. Kidd lands a back elbow. Kidd tags in Cesaro. Big E tags himself in. Jimmy goes for a suicide dive, but Cesaro counters with a uppercut. Big E with double splash to Jimmy and Cesaro.

Big E tags in Kofi. Big E launches Kofi onto Cesaro for a two count. Cesaro with a Springboard Suplex to Big E. Diego with a slingshot senton to Cesaro. Kidd hides behind Natalya. Woods with a running boot to the face of Kidd. El Torito with a flying head scissors that sends Woods face first into the barricade. Natalya gets El Torito in the Sharpshooter. Jimmy with a leaping plancha to Fernando. Naomi with a Rear View to Natalya. The New Day with the Midnight Hour for a two count.

Fernando rolls Big E up, but Big E is not the legal man. Big E connects with a over the head belly to belly suplex. Big E goes for a Double Big Ending, but Jimmy SuperKicks Big E. Jimmy with SuperKicks in stereo to The Matadores. Kofi with the Trouble to Paradise to Kidd. Cesaro drops Jimmy with a running european uppercut. Kofi connects with a running knee strike in the corner. Cesaro places Kofi on the top rope. Diego SuperKicks Cesaro. Cesaro and Big E connects with Tower of Dooms in stereo. Jimmy with a Uso Splash to Big E. Cesaro tags himself in. Cesaro tosses Jimmy to the outside. Cesaro scores the pinfall.

Winner: Still WWE Tag Team Champions, Tyson Kidd & Cesaro.