Ring of Honor tag team champion and former TNA star Frankie Kazarian did an AMA with the r/SquaredCircle Reddit community this weekend. Featured below are highlights from the Q&A session, which you can check out in full at the link above.
Have you, Daniels, Joe and AJ ever gotten into any trouble outside of the wrestling business?
“If any of us were to get in trouble, it’d probably be Chris Daniels and myself! Maybe Joe. AJ Styles is a standup dude outside of the ring and would be the least likely to be in that situation. There’s been hairy situations, but if anyone were to get into trouble…it’d be me and my partner in crime.”
How many years do you think you will continue to wrestle for?
“I used to always tell myself twenty years, but it’ll be twenty years in about a year and a half. So the easy answer is…I don’t know. I feel better than I ever have and I look better than I ever have, so I’m not gonna put a limitation on that.”
What was your experience like as the Suicide character in TNA?
“You’d have to ask Suicide that question. I’ve already heard that Suicide gets very upset when I claim that I was him. Out of respect to Suicide Jones…his last name…I will not be answering that question. Suicide is getting quite sick of a rogue like me claiming that I was him. Out of respect to him, I will not answer that.”
If you could “steal” one move from a current or former wrestler, which one would you choose?
“Tough question, good question. It’d have to be the Stone Cold Stunner or the RKO. I do a version of the Diamond Cutter, but it’s not a version I could hit on absolutely anybody. The nature of that move, I love that you can hit it on anybody and out of nowhere. It’s so simplistic, it’s great. It’s just like the Superkick, something you can pop on somebody out of nowhere.”
What was it like working with Vince Russo?
“I don’t know if my wrestling style effected the way he booked me. I just think there’s certain guys that he did and did not like writing for. My relationship with him, I always tried to be on the same page and have a dialogue. Often times, it seemed like he was interested with what I said. And often times, he seemed like he was bothered. I feel that I was asked to play a character in mind, rather than me coming up with something on my own. Ironically, when he left, that’s when Christopher Daniels and I had our most success in TNA.”
Thoughts on the WWE Cruiserweight Classic?
“I dig the concept. Glad they finally came around to giving that classification of wrestlers a chance. Have not seen any of it. But very happy for a lot of those guys. I’m friends with a lot of those guys and thrilled that they’re getting the opportunity to shine on that stage.”