WWE SmackDown Results (9/17) – Sheamus/Rollins Joins Forces, Bellabration Gets Ruined, Cesaro Fights The Giant, Owens vs. Ziggler

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WWE Smackdown Results
September 17th 2015
Report by Joshua Lopez for Wrestlezone.com

Seth Rollins, Sheamus In-Ring Segment: 

Rollins says that this Sunday at Night of Champions he will make history when he will retain his United States & World Heavyweight Championships against John Cena & Sting who are two first ballad WWE Hall of Famers in the same night. Rollins says that he only speaks the truth. Rollins said that he will beat and break John Cena’s spirit. As for Sting, Rollins says that Sting has bitten more than he can chew. Rollins says that at Night of Champions he will show that Sting is the past and Rollins is the present. Rollins says tonight he will make some history tonight when he teams up with Mr. Money In the Bank Sheamus against his former brothers Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns. Rollins says that not any man would be okay with being tag partners with a guy who has the Money in the Bank briefcase, but Rollins says that he’s the man and that he’s not worried about Sheamus. 

Sheamus comes out and says that Rollins doesn’t want him as a enemy. Sheamus says that he is still contemplating whether cashing in the briefcase or not. Sheamus promise Rollins that he won’t see it coming friend. Rollins pokes fun at Sheamus look and says that Sheamus looks kinda stupid. Sheamus says that he doesn’t look stupid and respect the hawk. Sheamus promises that if Rollins continues to push Sheamus, Rollins won’t make the main event tonight. Sheamus brings up tonight’s tag team match. Sheamus says that he loves to fight and he can choose to whether to work with Rollins or release Rollins to the hounds. Sheamus says that no matter if Rollins sees it or not, Sheamus will become the next WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Sheamus tells Rollins that he will see him later friend. 

First Match: Paige & Becky Lynch vs. Sasha Banks & Naomi w/Tamina Snuka 

Becky and Naomi start off the match. Becky lands a series of uppercuts and hip tosses Naomi. Naomi tags in Sasha. Becky arms drag Sasha and gets her into a arm lock. Becky with a series of craddle pin attempts for two counts. Sasha regains control of the match. Naomi and Sasha work over Becky in their corner. They continue to keep Becky isolated, and Banks gets a near fall. Banks with a snap mare and works a seated abdominal stretch on Becky. Becky works to escape, Sasha chokes her in the ropes and then tags in Naomi.

Naomi covers Becky for two count and then goes back to a seated stretch on Becky. Naomi maintains control, dances a bit and tags in Banks, who lays in the kicks to Becky and covers for two count. Banks again tries to ground Becky, who works to her feet and gets the hip toss to escape. Becky with the boot and a shot on Naomi, looks for the tag and the heels cut her off again. She finally kicks them away and here comes Paige. Paige with repeated kicks and knees to Naomi after tossing  Sasha, Becky pulls Sasha to the floor as she tries a distraction, which worked anyway as Naomi rolled up Paige for the win.

Winner: Sasha Banks & Naomi in 08:22