wwe hell in a cell

Flashback: 2014 WWE Hell In A Cell Results (10/26) – Cena vs Orton, Big Show vs Rusev, Ambrose vs Rollins!

WWE Hell In A Cell Results

WWE Hell In A Cell Results
October 26th 2014
Report by Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

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2 Out Of 3 Falls (Intercontinental Championship)
Cesaro vs Dolph Ziggler (c) 

Cesaro applies a side headlock but Dolph breaks it and gets a near fall, then Cesaro snaps his head on the ropes and catches him in a Giant Swing. Cesaro goes for a rollup but Dolph kicks out, then he rolls through and hooks the legs for the first fall. Cesaro gets pissed and hits Dolph in the back of the head, then the ref calls for a break before he lets them continue. Cesaro connects with a rolling corner uppercut for two, then he hits Dolph a few times and connects with a side slam before he looks to have injured his arm. Cesaro shakes it off and stomps Dolph, then he powerbombs him for two before sending him to the apron.

Dolph rams him with his shoulder and applies a Cobra Clutch variation, but Cesaro backs up and slams him in the corner. Cesaro tries to lift Dolph but he gets caught in an armtrap facelock, so Cesaro climbs the turnbuckles and transitions into a superplex. Dolph comes back with a quick Famouser for two, then he hits the ropes but Cesaro throws him in the air and connects with a Very European uppercut for two. He lifts Dolph and hits a backbreaker, then he goes for a Neutralizer but Dolph counters and hits a Zig Zag for the win. 

Winner – Dolph Ziggler (2 falls to none)

BP: Good opener with a lot of near falls. I’m not surprised Dolph won too much, because they really should spend time building him up. He’s the ‘next’ guy that is ready to be a star. I’m happy they actually went with two straight falls instead of always going to the third fall; it mixes it up a bit, takes away predictability, and gives credibility to the champion. 

Randy Orton tells The Authority he’s looking for Seth Rollins and they need to talk, and he needs to give him a reminder to stay out of his business. Stephanie tells him to use his anger to beat John Cena, and not worry about Rollins, but Orton says Rollins took it upon himself to Curb Stomp him on RAW. Triple H says Rollins probably wanted to get to Orton before he got to him, and Orton would have done the same thing. He says Orton and Rollins are a lot alike, but Orton should just focus on Cena and take back what is his, and Orton says he’s fine with that. Orton says he’ll do what he needs to, but if they don’t deal with Rollins eventually, he will.