Complete 1/30 WWE NXT Taping Results *Spoilers*

wwe nxt taping results​Source:

They taped a lot and I get the impression a lot of it is going to air after the NXT Arrival special. So, here are the results. I don't know when they will air, however:

*Jason Jordan defeated Baron Corbin.

*NXT Tag Team champions The Ascension defeated two unnamed talents.

*Emma defeated Summer Rae.

*Adrian Neville defeated Tyler Breeze.

*Bayley defeated Sasha Banks.

*CJ Parker defeated Colin Cassady.

*Mason Ryan defeated NXT Champion Bo Dallas by DQ when Alexander Rusev interfered. Adrian Neville ran out to make the save. NXT GM JBL announced a tag match….

*Adrian Neville and Mason Ryan beat Bo Dallas and Alexander Rusev. Neville stood over a beaten Bo holding the NXT title, so I guess they can use that footage to go either way depending on who wins their ladder match.