WWE ’13 Makes ESPN ‘Best Of 2012’ List

THQ's WWE '13 video game was featured on ESPN's Playbook page in a year-end best of 2012 video game list. The 'Attitude Era' mode in WWE '13 was a winner for the 'Best New Feature', and you can read a short clip below.

Best new feature: WWE 13’s Attitude Era
It’s one thing to have the Montreal Screwjob in a video game. But THQ takes the Attitude Era story mode to unheard-of levels for a wrestling video game, even delivering details like Bret Hart’s polygonal spit smacking Vince McMahon in the face. The Rock, D-X, the Brothers of Destruction, and even Mike Tyson make appearances, bringing wrestling fans back to their happy place of crotch chops and beer baths.

THQ's WWE '13 is currently available for the XBox 360, Playstation 3 and Wii platforms, and you can read a staff review at this link.