AEW All Out Jon Moxley Orange Cassidy
Image Credit: AEW

AEW All Out 2023 Results (9/3/23): Orange Cassidy vs. Jon Moxley, More

All Elite Wrestling presented AEW All Out 2023 on September 3. The show featured Orange Cassidy defending the AEW International Championship against Jon Moxley. Plus, Jon Moxl

Zero Hour Pre-Show

Backstage, Bryan Danielson comments on his return and highlights his connection to Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat. He recalls his last Strap Match and makes it clear that he’s going to hurt Ricky Starks tonight.

Lexy Nair interviews Prince Nana and The Mogul Embassy and asks them about the Over The Top Battle Royale. Nana says he will donate their winnings to the Mogul Embassy Foundation.

Over Budget Battle Royale – Winner Donates $50K to a charity of their choice

Order of Elimination:

  • Tony Nese (Multiple)
  • Serpentico (Matt Menard)
  • Shawn Spears (Aussie Open)
  • Komander (Gates of Agony)
  • Angelo Parker (Dalton Castle and the Boys)
  • Dalton Castle (Brian Cage)
  • Darius Martin (Daniel Garcia)
  • Chuck Taylor (Toa Liona)
  • Kaun (Hangman Page)
  • Matt Menard (Scorpio Sky)
  • Jake Hager (Scorpio Sky)
  • Mark Davis (Hangman Page)
  • Daniel Garcia (Scorpio Sky)
  • Scorpio Sky (Toa Liona)
  • Action Andretti (Kyle Fletcher)
  • Kyle Fletcher (Trent Beretta)
  • Trent Beretta (Brian Cage)
  • Toa Liona (Hangman Page)
  • Brian Cage (Hangman Page)

The match came down to Liona, Cage, Beretta, and Page. Cage eliminated Beretta. Page eliminated Liona, leaving him and Cage as the final two. They battle on the apron, where Page hits a Deadeye, and Cage tumbles to the floor.

Winner: Adam Page

Hikaru Shida, Willow Nightingale, & Skye Blue vs. Mercedes Martinez, Diamante & Athena

The two teams brawl with each other. Athena argues with her partners, and Blue dives onto him. Shida takes the fight to Diamante in the ring. Shida drops Diamante with a diving kick. Blue drills Diamante with another kick. Mercedes hits Blue with a cheap shot. Martinez and Diamante double-team Blue. They isolate Blue and ground her. Athena maintains the advantage. She continues to argue with Martinez. Willow tags in, and Martinez drops off the apron. Willow rallies with a flurry of offense.

Diamante slams Nightingale. Shida tags in and trades shots with Martinez. Willow slams Athena into the barricade. Blue pins Diamante with the Code Blue.

Winners: Hikaru Shida, Willow Nightingale, & Skye Blue

In a vignette, RUSH hypes up La Faccio Ingobernable and says it’s time for them to take over AEW.

AEW World Trios Championship: The Acclaimed (Max Casgter & Anthony Bowens) & Billy Gunn (c) (with Dennis Rodman) vs. Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, and Satnam Singh (with Sonjay Dutt and Karen Jarrett)

Dutt leads an NBA-style intro for Jarrett, Lethal, and Singh, complete with a basketball hoop. Bowens raps the champions’ way to the ring. Gunn says he has his own referee, and he brings out Aubrey Edwards. Jarett and Lethal take the early advantage by attacking Bowens and Caster. Bowens sends Lethal to the outside. The Acclaimed hit Scissor Me Timbers on Jarrett and mockingly strut before they scissor. Lethal hits Caster from behind, and Singh drops him with a cheap shot. Jeff Jarrett takes control.

Lethal tags in and grounds Caster. Jarrett knocks Gunn off the apron. Jarrett and Caster are both down after a suplex. Bowens rallies with a flurry of offense. Gunn tags in and clears house with a flurry of offense. Singh drops him with a big boot and chokeslams Bowens. Karen goes to use the guitar on Gunn, but Aubrey stops him. Gunn hits Singh below the belt, and Dennis Rodman hits the big man with a guitar.

Gunn hits Lethal with a Fameasser. Bowens hits him with the Arrival, and Caster gets the win with the Mic Drop for the win.

Winners and still AEW World Trios Champions: The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn

The champions celebrate with Dennis Rodman.

Main Show

ROH World Tag Team Championship: MJF & Adam Cole (c) vs. Dark Order (John Silver & Alex Reynolds) (with Evil Uno)

Cole and John Silver start the bout and feel each other out. They’re evenly matched early on. Cole drops Silver with a kick. Cole and MJF call for the Double Clothesline, but Reynolds breaks it up. MJF and Reynolds tag in. MJF gets a “sportsmanship” chant going. He extends a handshake and pokes Reynolds in the eyes. MJF calls for the Kangaroo Kick, but Silver hits him from behind. MJF heads to the outside to regroup. He holds his neck, and Cole tries to comfort him.

Silver blindsides Cole. Uno confronts the referee, and Reynolds hits MJF with a chair. The doctor checks on MJF. Medical officials help MJF to the back, leaving Cole on his own. He takes the fight to the challengers, and they double-team him.

Silver takes control. Cole catches Reynolds with a superkick. He goes for a Panama Sunrise and turns it into a roll-up. Silver drills Cole with some kicks and hits a Fisherman’s Buster for a two count. Evil Uno attacks Cole and slams him into the ring post.

Cole rallies with a neckbreaker. Silver and Reynolds take control. They hit the Double Clothesline for a two count. Cole drops Reynolds with a bog boot. MJF comes back down to the ring, shoving referees out of his way the whole way down. He demands the tag, and Cole tags in. MJF clears house with a flurry of offense.

He fights through the pain and keeps gaining momentum. MJF calls for the Kangaroo Kick and hits it. MJF and Cole hit the Double Clothesline for the win.

Winners and still ROH World Tag Team Champions: MJF and Adam Cole

MJF is down, and doctors check on him after the bell. They help him up the ramp. Samoa Joe enters for his match, and he shoves MJF. MJF stares after him and charges the ring. He attacks Joe, who locks in a chokehold, and they’re separated by security.

ROH World Television Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Shane Taylor

Joe and Taylor duke it out with stiff strikes early on. They continue to trade blows. Taylor slams Joe and hits him with a splash. Joe rocks Taylor and dives onto him at ringside. Taylor nails Joe with a stiff shot. Joe choked for a sleeper, but Taylor hits an over-the-shoulder stunner.

He hits a diving splash. Taylor hits Joe with some clubbing blows. Joe drops him with a lariat. Joe nails Taylor with a blow to the face. He hits Taylor with a series of knees and makes Taylor tap to the Coquina Clutch.

Winner and still ROH World Television Champion: Samoa Joe

TNT Championship: Luchasaurus (c) (with Christian Cage) vs. Darby Allin (with Nick Wayne)

Allin takes the fight to Allin right away. Luchasaurus throws him into the barricade and the steel steps. Allin is busted open, and Luchasaurus slams him onto the steps again. The big man sandwiches Allin between the steps and the floor. Luchasaurus walks on the steps. He maintains the advantage and rocks Allin with a headbutt.

Allin gets a two-count with a roll-up. He dives and bounces off of Luchasaurus. The champion chokes Allin with the taping that he been around his ribs. Allin rallies and slams the big man into the ring post. He dives onto Luchasaurus at ringside.

Luchasaurus goes for a torture rack, but Allin counters into a crucifix bomb for a two count. The champion dumps Allin with a German suplex. Luchasaurus puts Allin in a torture rack. Allin escapes and dives onto Cage at ringside. Allin hits an avalanche Code Red for a two count. Cahe hits Nick Wayne with a chair, which distracts Allin.

Luchasaurus capitalizes and drops Allin with a Tombstone. He hits Allin with a second Tombstone, throws him into the corner and hits a lariat for the win.

Winner and still TNT Champion: Luchasaurus

Cage and Luchasaurus go to attack Allin and Wayne after the bell, but Shawn Spears and others make the save.

RELATED: Swerve Strickland Missed AEW Dynamite Due To Food Poisoning, Is Not Injured (Exclusive)

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Miro

The two powerhouses battle it out right away. Miro takes control and gets a two count with a leg lariat. Hobbs sends Miro flying with a throw. Miro dodges a splash in the corner from Hobbs, sending him to the outside. He dives onto Hobbs at ringside. Back in the ring, Hobbs grounds Miro. Miro and Hobbs trade blows. They truck each other with body blocks. The two big men trade shots.

The hoss fight continues, as they keep trading blows. Miro wins the exchange and drops Hobbs. Miro drills Hobbs with clubbing blows. He hits a superplex, and both men are down. “The Redeemer” nails Hobbs with a kick, but Hobbs dumps Miro with a powerslam. Miro drops Hobbs with another kick.

Miro traps Hobbs in the Game Over, but Hobbs powers his way out of it. Hobbs hits a spinebuster for a two-count. Miro fires back with a spinebuster. He locks in the Game Over, and Hobbs taps out.

Winner: Miro

Miro and Hobbs shake hands after the bell. Hobbs attacked Miro as he walked away. CJ Perry, formerly known as Lana, comes down and hits Hobbs with a chair.

Hobbs stares her down, and Miro hits him with a chair. Miro and Perry stand tall, but Miro walks out on her.

TBS Championship: Kris Statlander (c) vs. Ruby Soho (with Saraya)

Soho and Statlander feel each other out early on. They’re evenly matched early on. Statlander drills Soho with a knee strike. The champion chases Saraya, and the distraction helps Soho take control as she slams Statlander into the barricade. Back in the ring, Soho grounds Statlander. Saraya attacks Statlander when the referee isn’t looking. She maintains the advantage. Sooh gets a two-count with a roll-up.

The challenger slams Statlander to the mat. Statlander fires back with a kick and drops Soho with the No Future. Statlander continues to gain momentum. She gets a two count with a powerslam. She huts a back-breaker and slams Soho for a two-count. Statlander gets a two-count with an avalanche powerslam.

Soho gets a two-count with a DDT and a low hurricanrana. Soho hits the No Future and the Destination Unknown for a near fall. Toni Storm crawls out from under the ring and takes the spray paint from Soho.

Statlander clinches the win with the Sunday Night Fever.

Winner and still TBS Champion: Kris Statlander

Strap Match: Bryan Danielson vs. Ricky Starks

Danielson enters to “Final Countdown.” Starks leaves the ring and jogs around. Starks attacks Danielson and whips Danielson with a weight belt. Danielson is already split open. Starks chokes Danielson and continues to control the action.

He stomps Danielson on the steps. Starks mocks Danielson’s “Yes!” chant. He chokes Danielson with the strap. Danielson rallies with some kicks. Starks hits Danielson with the strap and chokes him some more. Danielson brutally whips Starks with the strap and chokes him with it.

He dishes out some more nasty strikes with the strap. He hits a few dropkicks in the corner. Starks drills Danielson with the strap. Starks talks some trash to Ricky Steamboat, who had joined the commentary team for the bout. Danielson pulls Stark into the ring post. He grinds Starks’ face into the ring post, and Starks is busted open. Danielson whips Starks with the strap. Starks levels Danielson with a lariat, and both men are down.

Starks and Danielson whip each other with the strap. He unloads on Danielson, but “Danielson “The American Dragon” fires up. Danielson nails Starks with a kick. Big Bill attacks Danielson. Steamboat pulls Big Bill off the apron and chops him. Bill grabs Steamboat, and Danielson throws Starks onto the big man.

Danielson dives onto them at ringside. Back in the ring, Starks gets a near fall with a Spear. Danielson hits the running knee for a near fall. Danielson stomps Starks and goes for the LeBell Lock. “The American Dragon” chokes Starks with the strap, and Starks passes out. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Bryan Danielson

Danielson and Steamboat celebrate after the bell.

Nigel McGuinness notes that Hangman Page decided to donate the money from his Over Budget Charity Battle Royale to the Chicago Public Education Fund, powering progress in Chicago’s Public Schools.

Eddie Kingston & Katsuyori Shibata vs. Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta

Shibata and Yuta start the bout and feel each other out. Castagnoli and Yuta square off and trade blows. Claudio tags out and avoids Kingston. Kingston and Yuta trade blows. “The Mad King” and Castagnoli brawl at ringside. Yuta dives onto Kingston. Claudio slams Kingston into the barricade. Yuta takes control and grounds Kingston. Castagnoli and Yuta isolate Kingston. Kingston rallies and slams Yuta with a Butterfly Suplex. Claudio maintains the advantage.

Yuta and Castagnoli continue to control the action. Shibata tags in and clears house with a flurry of offense. Castagnoli slams his way out of a submission hold with a powerbomb. He throws Yuta onto Shibata with an assisted splash. Shibata nails Yuta with a stiff blow. Shibata traps Yuta in a leg lock. Castagnoli breaks it up, and Kingston tags in. Kingston rocks Yuta with a chop and drops him with a DDT. He drills Yuta with some more chops. Kingston dumps Yuta with an exploder suplex. Shibata and Kingston double-team Yuta for a two-count.

Shibata and Castagnoli trade blows. A stiff right hand drops Castagnoli. Castagnoli sends Shibata into the barricade and drops him with an uppercut. Yuta dumps Kingston with two German suplexes. Kingston and Castagnoli exchange strikes in the ring. Castagnoli hits the Neutralizer for a two count. Kingston hits the Northern Lights Bomb, but Yuta breaks up the pin. Shibata traps Yuta in a sleeper hold. Castagnoli gets the win with a stiff uppercut.

Winners: Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta

Kenny Omega vs. Konosuke Takeshita (with Don Callis)

Omega and Takeshita trade blows right away. They feel each other out and battle for positioning. Takeshita drops Omega with a heel kick. They continue to trade blows. Takeshita slams Omega with a backdrop driver. Omega takes control and grounds Takeshita. They slap each other, and Takeshita gouges Omega’s eyes. Takeshita takes Omega down with a lariat. He hits a modified powerbomb into the turnbuckle.

Takeshita slams Omega with a brainbuster on the floor. He goes to hit Omega with a chair, but the referee stops him. Callis places chairs on top of Omega, and Takeshita hits a senton over the ropes onto Omega. Takeshita drills Omega with a big boot and gets a two count with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Konosuke continues to control the action.

Omega fires up with a flurry of offense. Takeshita nails him with a forearm. Omega dodges a jumping knee, sending Takeshita to the outside. Omega dives onto Takeshita at ringside. Omega hits a missile dropkick. He dumps Takeshita with two snap suplexes. Omega hits a knee strike and a reverse hurricanrana.

Takeshita dodges the V-trigger. They counter suplex attempts. Omega nails Takeshita with a knee strike. Takeshita levels Omega with a lariat. Omega blasts Takeshita with a knee strike. A v-trigger sets Takeshita up for the One-Winged Angel, but Takeshita counters into a pin attempt. He gets a two-count with a German suplex. The competitors trade blows.

Omega hits another stiff knee. Takeshita hits an avalanche Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Takeshita gets a two count with a stuff strike. Callis goes to jab Omega with a screwdriver, but Omega dodges it. Omega hits a stiff knee strike. The referee stops Takeshita from using a screwdriver.

Takeshita and Omega trade counters. Takeshita dumps Omega with a German suplex and a thunderous knee strike for a near fall. Takeshita hits another knee strike for the win.

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita

Bullet Club Gold (Jay White, Juice Robinson & The Gunns) vs. FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) & The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)

Harwood and White start the bout. Wheeler and Colten Gunn quickly tag in. Wheeler gets a two-count with an early pin attempt. Austin Gunn tags in and takes control. Matt Jackson tags himself in after Wheeler gains the upper hand. The Young Bucks double-team Austin and Colten. White tags back in and squares off with Harwood.

They trade blows. Robinson tags in and gains the upper hand. Bullet Club Gold isolates Harwood. FTR double-teams White. Robinson hits Wheeler with his signature jabs. The two teams square off as the match resets, and they brawl.

Harwood gets sent flying into the ring post. Bullet Club Gold takes control again. White dumps Harwood with a suplex into the turnbuckles. White slams Harwood onto the apron. Bullet Club Gold continues to keep Harwood isolated. Harwood dodges a cannonball in the corner. The Young Bucks rally. Tensions rise between them and FTR. Bullet Club Gold takes control again. FTR and the Young Bucks hit superplexes and splashes. Matt dives onto Colten and Juice at ringside.

Harwood and White trade blows. Juice breaks up the Shatter Machine. Dax and Nick Jackson hit the Shatter Machine. Matt and Dax are left with White, and they hit the BTE Trigger, but Colten Gunn breaks up the win. Colten hits Matt with a Fameasser. Juice breaks up the Shatter Machine. Colten Gunn pins Cash after Jay White hits him with the Blace Runner.

Winners: Bullet Club Gold (Jay White, Juice Robinson & The Gunns)

FTR and The Young Bucks argue after the bell.

AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Jon Moxley

Moxley and Cassidy enter with Blackpool Combat Club and Best Friends, respectively. Moxley decks Cassidy with a stiff shot and punishes him with some strikes early on. Cassidy responds with a dropkick. Moxley dumps him with a suplex. Cassidy hits Moxley with some punches and slams him into the turnbuckle. Moxley rolls through a crossbody and stomps on Cassidy. Cassidy hits Stun-dog Millionaire and dives onto Moxley. The challenger dumps Cassidy with a modified suplex.

Moxley maintains the advantage. Cassidy gets busted open. Moxley targets the wound and bites it. Cassidy crawls back into the ring. Moxley spikes him with a piledriver for a two-count. He chokes Cassidy with some of his tape. Moxley mocks Cassidy by putting his hands in his pockets. Cassidy is a bloody mess, and Moxley grounds him.

Cassidy rakes Moxley’s back and bites him. he hits a diving DDT and drops Moxley with another DDT. Moxley drops Cassidy with an elbow to the face. Cassidy nails Moxley with an Orange Punch for a two count. Moxley counters Beach Break and hits a Gotch-style piledriver. Cassidy gets a two-count with a pin attempt. Moxley locks in the bulldog choke. Moxley transitions and traps Cassidy in the LeBell Lock. Cassidy escapes and rolls to the outside.

Moxley exposes part of the floor. Cassidy counters and hits the Beach Break on the exposed floor. Moxley gets sent head-first into the steps. Moxley narrowly avoids the count-out as he gets back in the ring. Cassidy drills Moxley with two Orange Punches. Moxley counters a third into a cutter. Cassidy hits another Orange Punch and drops Moxley with a Spear for a two count.

Cassidy hits Moxley with some kicks. Moxley levels him with a lariat. Cassidy gets right back up, and Moxley drops him with another. Moxley hits the Death Rider for a two count. Cassidy struggles back to his feet and flips Moxley off. Moxley gets the win with the Death Rider.

Winner and new AEW International Champion: Jon Moxley

Blackpool Combat Club helps Moxley walk to the back. Cassidy gets an ovation from the crowd. The fans chant “Thank you, Orange.”