love doug

Love, Doug Hopes To Leave Philly With A Victory (And B3CCA’s Heart)

Love, Doug is excited to come back to Philadelphia.

MLW returns for Fury Road on September 3 and Love, Doug will face off with Little Guido. Doug spoke with WrestleZone about the match and the fact that it will take place in The (appropriately named) City of Brotherly Love.

“I was very excited the first time I went there to see what the Brotherly Love was all about, and I had to come back,” Doug said. “I come back this Sunday, and it’s me and Nunzio.”

“I’m a little worried,” he added. “I know FBI, Full Blooded Italians, he’s very Italian. They’re very loving. I think I can definitely play into this and maybe that’ll be an advantage for me. Maybe he’ll fall in love with me in the match and that will get me the victory.”

Love, Doug was asked what the biggest thing he adds to MLW is. Love, of course, is the first thing, but charisma is a close second.

“The second biggest thing under love, that is my big pursuit of finding my true love through wrestling. And I think my biggest attribute for MLW would be that I am charismatic. I have little tweaks. I’m very odd and that works in my favor. It breaks down people’s barriers so that, if not fall in love with me, at least like me in the beginning.”

Front Row Seat

Love, Doug and B3CCA both have ties to the New England wrestling scene and find themselves in MLW together. His ultimate goal is to win her affection, but Doug says being on the same path has certainly been rewarding.

“Absolutely. Both of us have grown from where we were before. We’re completely different in our life stages,” he explained. “We’re a little bit older, a little bit more mature. So why not give it another shot? It went so well the first time. Maybe this time we could fall in love for real.”

Doug has also tried to win over B3CCA since his MLW debut, although she hasn’t exactly reciprocated those feelings. B3CCA is an international pop star that has a performance scheduled for this weekend, and Doug hopes to have a front row seat.

“This Sunday is Fury Road, then there’s the tapings afterward as well. I heard B3CCA is gonna be singing, so you know I am going to be there,” he declared. “I’m thinking maybe I get a victory, B3CCA sees that and she’s like, ‘Okay, maybe this guy isn’t some floozy. He’s business, he’s really trying.’ I’m just excited to see where it goes. I know I need to get a good seat for this concert she’s doing now.”

Watch our full interview with Love, Doug below: