WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results (8/21/23)

WWE Raw Results
August 21, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

In-Ring Segment: Sami Zayn

Zayn gets a hero’s welcome in Canada. The crowd showers Zayn with Olé chants. Zayn starts to cut a promo in his native language, but The Judgement Day interrupts and surrounds the ring. Zayn asks The Judgement Day if he would come here, of all places, alone. Kevin Owens’ music hits. Owens power walks to the ring. A brawl breaks out. Owens drops Damian Priest with a Stunner. Owens and Zayn hold the ring. The crowd goes nuts. Owens grabs a mic and challenges The Judgement Day to a tag match later tonight.

The New Day vs. Matt Riddle and Drew McIntyre

Woods leapfrog over Riddle. Woods mushes Riddle in the face and tells him he isn’t in a real tag team. Riddle takes a swing at Woods. Kingston tags in and lands a splash. Dropkick by Kingston. Riddle tags in McIntyre. After a series of reversals, Kingston lands a dropkick. Kingston tries his double-jump crossbody, but McIntyre counters and sends Kingston flying with an overhead throw. Woods hops in the ring and eats an overhead throw as well. Both Woods and Kingston roll out of the ring. Riddle hugs McIntyre. McIntyre smiles, waist locks Riddle, and tosses Riddle over the top onto Woods and Kingston. McIntyre gives Riddle a big thumbs up since that actually worked.

After the break, Woods and Kingston are working over Riddle. Woods dives into a leaping knee from Riddle. Riddle hits a fisherman’s buster off the top. Riddle tries to tag in McIntyre, but one of the Viking Raiders pulls McIntyre off the apron. Woods tags in Kingston, who drops Riddle with Trouble in Paradise for the win.

Winners- The New Day

The Viking Raiders beat down The New Day and Riddle. McIntyre hits the ring and makes the save.

Intercontinental Championship Match: Gunther (c) vs. Chad Gable

Gable and Gunther lock up. Gunther forces Gable into the corner. Gable ducks a chop and lands one of his own. Gunther is hot over that one. Gunther takes Gable down in an armbar. Gable spins and flips out of the hold. Gunther lifts Gable and chucks him over the top. Gable hits the floor with a loud splat. Gable breaks the count by rolling back into the ring, and Gunther immediately destroys him with a vicious chop. After the break, Gunther suplexes Gable on the barricade. Gunther rolls back into the ring. Gable gets back in at the nine count. Delay release butterfly suplex by Gunther. Gable kicks out. Gunther continues his assault. Gable fires up and goes up top.

Gunther tries a chop, but Gable traps him in a hanging armbar. Gable leaps off the top into a chop from Gunther. Lariat by Gunther. Gable kicks out. Gunther lands another Lariat. Gable kicks out. Gunther hits the ropes and runs right into a Judo throw by Gable. Gable rolls into an armbar. Gunther escapes and traps Gable in a sleeper. Gable gets to his feet with Gunther on his back. Gunther and Gable trade strikes. Gunther tries another sleeper. Gable reverses it into a backdrop driver.

Gable tries a German suplex, but his back gives out. Gunther tries a knee strike. Gable reverses that into the Ankle Lock. Gunther eventually kicks his way out of the hold. Gunther slaps Gable. Gable double-legs Gunther and grounds and pounds him. Deadlift German suplex by Gable. Gunther kicks out. Gable goes up top for a moonsault.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (8/11/23)

Gunther pushes him off the top. Gable crashes into the barricade. Instead of waiting for Gable to get counted out, Gunther follows him and beats him outside the ring. Gunther tries a chop, but Gable ducks. Gunther ends up chopping the ring post. Gable German suplexes Gunther over the Barricade. Gable slides back in the ring and gets the count out victory.

Winner- Chad Gable

After the match, Gunther goes nuts. The rest of IMPERIUM runs down to ringside. Gunther screams at Samantha Irvin, the ring announcer. He forces her to announce him as the champion.

Backstage, The Judgement Day argues over who will be in the match later tonight. Ripley tells the rest of the group they need to figure it out by the time she gets back. If they don’t, she’ll make the decision for them.

Backstage, Gunther yells at Giovanni Vinci and Ludwig Kaiser. Kaiser tells Vinci they have to make this right. Kaiser asks Vinci what he’s going to do about it.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (8/11/23)

Backstage, Byron Saxton is with Cody Rhodes. Rhodes starts to speak but says this doesn’t feel right. He walks out on the stage and asks Quebec what they want to talk about in their native tongue. Rhodes says The Judgement Day normally has the numbers advantage, but not here, miles away from Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens’ hometown. No, Owens and Quebec have the people with him. He’ll be watching tonight very closely.

During a video package, Shinsuke Nakamura says he whispered to Seth Rollins last week that he knows about Rollins’ back. Nakamura notes that it is to the point that every day of Rollins’ life, he is filled with pain. Rollins’ body had crumbled under the pressure of his own vanity. He’s going to take the burden from Rollins and destroy him. Nakamura chillingly tells Rollins to watch his back.

WWE World Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley w/Dominik Mysterio vs. Candice LeRae w/Indi Hartwell

Ripley attacks as soon as the bell rings. LeRae sends Ripley into the corner. Dominik hops on the apron. Hartwell pulls him down. LeRae tries a crossbody off the top. Ripley catches her and tries Riptide. LeRae reverses it into a nasty DDT. Springboard moonsault by LeRae. Ripley kicks out. LeRae tries a roll up, but Ripley reverses it into the Prism Trap for the win.

Winner- Rhea Ripley

As Ripley and Dominik walk up the ramp, Raquel Rodriguez walks down the ramp on a crutch. Ripley mocks Rodriguez. Rodriguez tosses the crutch at Ripley and attacks her. The fight ends up in the ring. Rodriguez floors Ripley with a clothesline. As Ripley licks her wounds with Dominik, Rodriguez grabs a mic and tells Ripley she’s cleared to wrestle if that isn’t obvious. She spoke to Adam Pearce. She has a shot at Ripley’s title at Payback.

WWE Raw Results Continue on the Next Page!

In-Ring Segment: The Miz

Miz rants about being better than and outlasting LA Knight. LA Knight isn’t on his level. He spoke to Adam Pearce, and he’s allowing him to pick his own opponent tonight. This opponent is bigger and badder than anyone LA Knight has faced. Akira Tozawa’s music hits. Tozawa joins Miz in the ring. Miz asks Tozawa if this is the biggest match of his life. Tozawa says, “YEAH!” Miz tells him to stop. He doesn’t like when people say that. Miz and Tozawa go back and forth. Miz boots Tozawa in the face.

The Miz vs. Tozawa

The bell rings, and LA Knight’s music hits. Knight struts down to the commentary desk. Tozawa dropkicks Miz out of the ring. Miz is so distracted, Tozawa blasts him with a tope suicida. After the break, Miz is working over Tozawa. Miz argues with Knight outside the ring. Miz tries to toss Tozawa into Knight. Tozawa leaps on the commentary desk and hits a rana on Miz. Tozawa sends Miz into the ring. Miz gets his knees up while Tozawa tries a senton. Miz mocks LA Knight as he sets up the Skull Crushing Finale. Tozawa rolls up Miz for the win!

Winner- Akira Tozawa

After the match, Miz yells at the referee. Knight slips in the ring and drops Miz with Blunt Force Trauma. Knight tosses Miz a tissue and walks away.

In-Ring Segment: Becky Lynch

Lynch talks about her legacy and turning lemons into lemonade. Her legacy won’t be defined by wins or losses, it will be defined survival. You can beat her or put her on the shelf, but she will always come back. Not because she is unbeatable but because she is unstoppable. She is unstoppable not because she always wins but because she always fights. Lynch starts to talk about Zoey Stark, but Trish Stratus and Stark interrupt. Stratus craps on the crowd for not being Montreal. Stratus says Lynch has managed to trap her in a steel cage match.

She’s never been in one before. Stratus pumps herself up because no matter what she faces, she will stand tall no matter what. She’s sick and tired of proving herself to everyone. When Lynch steps into the cage with her, she will see a side of Stratus she hasn’t seen before. Stratus says, “you aren’t going to survive that, bitch.” Lynch laughs and says it will be her and Stratus in a steel cage in two weeks, but in one week, it will be Lynch and Stark in a fall count anywhere match.

Backstage, Byron Saxton as Chelsea Green and Piper Niven, how it feels to be tag champs. Green says she had to authorize this with WWE management, but she had their team made official. Niven and Green trip over each other as Green tries to talk up their team chemistry. Niven sternly tells Green to go. Both women make their entrance for the next match.

Undisputed WWE Women’s Tag Champions Chelsea Green and Piper Niven vs. Kitana Chance and Kayden Carter

Green tosses Chance across the ring. Dropkick by Chance. Carter trips Green. Green and Carter trade strikes. Niven tags in, but Carter kicks her off the apron. Green eats a superkick from Carter. Carter pulls Chance off the top rope, and Chance does an aerial off Carter’s shoulders. Green kicks out. Niven is the legal woman, so before Chance can do anything, Niven flattens her with a low crossbody for the win.

Winners- Chelsea Green and Piper Niven

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn vs. The Judgement Day (Damian Priest and Finn Bálor

Owens and Zayn attack Bálor and Priest. Zayn sends Priest into the desk. Owens lands a swanton on Bálor. Owens sets up the Stunner. Bálor counters with the Slingblade. Zayn and Priest fight outside the ring. JD McDonagh takes Priest’s MITB briefcase and tosses it into the ring. Owens catches it and hits Bálor with it, causing a disqualification.

Winners- The Judgement Day

After the match, Priest yells at McDonagh for getting in his business. The Judgement Day attacks Owens and Zayn. Cody Rhodes hits the ring and makes the save. Rhodes grabs a mic and challenges The Judgement Day to a six-man tag match.

Cody Rhodes, Kevin Owens, and Sami Zayn vs. The Judgement Day (Damian Priest, Dominik Mysterio, and Finn Bálor)

Owens works over Dominik. Bálor tags in and sends Owens into the corner. The Judgement Day takes turns working over Owens. While the referee is distracted, Ripley bodyslams Owens. After the break, Owens suplexes Bálor on the commentary desk. Owens tries to make the tag but gets cut off by Priest. Priest and Co continue their assault. Owens manages to tag in Zayn. Zayn clears the ring. Zayn lands a rope walk DDT on Priest. Priest kicks out.

Zayn goes up top. Bálor distracts the referee while Ripley pushes Zayn off the top. Priest lands South of Heaven. Zayn kicks out. Zayn tags in Rhodes. Rhodes lands a double Cody cutter on Dominik and Priest. Crossroads to Bálor. Rhodes drops Dominik with Crossroads. Rhodes tags in Zayn, who tags on Owens. Zayn blasts Dominik with the Helluva Kick. Owens lands a Stunner for the win.

Winners- Cody Rhodes, Kevin Owens, and Sami Zayn

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