Crazzy Steve

Crazzy Steve: Decay Shares A Collective Passion, Fan Response Got Us To Where We Are Today

Crazzy Steve believes Decay’s success lies in the fact that fans know how passionate they are about what they do.

IMPACT Wrestling returns to Louisville on November 18 for two nights of action, including the Over Drive live special. Crazzy Steve spoke to WrestleZone about IMPACT’s relationship with Louisville and how it’s always a highlight on the calendar.

“Everything is kind of new since the pandemic, right? The doors are opening up, and obviously, we were about a year in where we were able to travel and have a regular loop now that we are adding cities to. Louisville being one of those places is always awesome. One, it’s not a flight for me, so from a travel perspective, which is a good majority of what we do,” Steve explained, “I enjoy that because I can travel by car.

“That being said, I’m familiar with Louisville, with not only OVW, but IMPACT, as well as the independents and various organizations in the area as well. So the crowds in Louisville are always fantastic. They’re always loud and raucous. So that, obviously, as any performer would tell you, it holds a special place in their heart, or at least as a destination that they look forward to in the calendar year.”

One match to look forward to involves Crazzy Steve’s Decay stablemate Rosemary, one-half of the current Knockouts Tag Team Champions. Now competing as The Death Dollz (with Jessicka and Taya Valkyrie), Crazzy Steve spoke about the dynamic with Rosemary and how the group still resonates with fans.

“The Decay stuff, that all stems from what I was doing on the independents, but now we have a bigger budget and a lot shinier toys to play with, so to speak. The Menagerie was given to me — that was one the idea of one of the writers there or one of the production guys there. I just fit in the role very easily because it something I was doing for 12 years at that point on the independents. I wasn’t like a clown, but I can be lighthearted or I can be creepy, I can do both. They wanted lighthearted first, so that was what I gave them. Then when I had the opportunity to give management something else, when that ran its course, I said, ‘Well there’s another thing I was kind of doing on the independents that you can make really cool. And I’ve always wanted to work with Abyss.’ We just needed a way from a television perspective for our characters to interact.

“So I presented them with this idea of a tag team between him and I. They can back to me with, ‘We would like a female with the group,’ and so I happened to know Rosemary from the independent scene. And from having been good friends with her, and having her break in from day one, so I presented them with her, and the rest is kind of history from there. As far as it has grown, it’s evolved, and a lot of that it never would’ve happened if it wasn’t for the fanbase. If they weren’t attached to the characters from the get-go, then we wouldn’t be where we are today. Plain and simple, cut and dry, as plain as it can be. So we have them to thank for that. We have a group that are collectively passionate about what we are doing still to this day, and I think that why it doesn’t — or at least that’s our hope and that’s intentions of what we put into it — so that it doesn’t come across as monotonous and same-old, same-old.”

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