WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT 2.0 Results (8/9/22)

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WWE NXT 2.0 Results
August 9, 2022
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Kiana James vs. Nikkita Lyons

James takes an early advantage. Lyons misses a boot in the corner. James immediately attacks Lyons’ previously injured knee. James continues her assault as Lyons tries to cover up. Lyons tries another kick but James sidesteps. Lyons slams her leg into the ringsteps. James goes back to working the leg. Lyons fires up and hits her finish for the win.

Winner- Nikkita Lyons

After the match, James attacks Lyons from behind.

Arianna Grace complains to Andre Chase about Thea Hail giving her a black eye. Grace wants to sue. Chase goes nuts and yells about solving problems at Chase U in the ring.

Backstage, The Creeds are watching match film with Apollo Crews. Julius thanks Crews for taking the time to watch film with them. Roderick Strong walks in and takes exception to The Creeds being with Crews. This leads to the two agreeing to a match.

Rounds Match: Trick Williams w/Carmelo Hayes vs. Wes Lee

Round One:

Both men are wearing boxing gloves. Williams immediately lands a flurry of jabs. Lee ducks a hook from Williams and lands a shot to the body. Williams hotdogs around the ring. Lee lands a few more shots to Williams’ body. Williams takes down Lee. Both men exchange shots. Williams stops Lee with a stiff knee to the gut. Williams pounds on Lee in the corner. Lee fights out of the corner and lands a few shots. The round closes with Lee landing 20 seconds’ worth of punches. Williams falls in the corner as the bell rings to end Round one.

Round Two:

Hayes takes off Williams’ gloves. Lee follows suit. Lee lands a bunch of offense but Hayes pulls his leg as he is trying to get in the ring. Williams lands a big boot for a pinfall to end the round.

Williams 1/Lee 0

Round Three:

Happened during the break and there were no falls

Round Four:

Hayes puts one glove on Williams. Lee is all over Williams until Williams sends him into the corner with authority. Lee pins Williams with a crucifix.

Williams 1/Lee 1

As soon as the bell rings Williams drops Lee with a right hand. Lee is rocked.

Round Five:

Lee looks to be out on his feet. No matter what Williams does, Lee won’t stay down. Lee puts on one of his boxing gloves and decks Williams. Lee pins Williams with three seconds to spare.

Williams 1/Lee 2

Winner- Wes Lee

In-Ring Segment: Carmelo Hayes

Hayes complains about Lee cheating to beat Williams. Hayes gloats about beating Nathan Frazer last week. That’s all it is and that’s all it’s ever gonna be. Frazer’s music hits but Giovanni Vinci appears in the ring behind him. Vinci says he will deal with Frazer for stealing his title shot last week. Vinci wants Hayes at Heatwave. Hayes laughs. Vinci says Hayes thinks he’s the A Champ but he’s really just A guy. Vinci tries to attack Hayes from behind but Hayes avoids it. Neither man can get an advantage, since they each counter everything the other tries. Referees hit the ring to separate them.

Backstage, Lash Legend continues to talk Blade’s ear off. Edris Enofé walks in and Legend talks his ear off.

Thea Hail vs. Arianna Grace

Grace works over Hail. Hail powers out of a rear chin lock. Hail lands a series of elbow strikes. Stinger splash by Hail. Running flipping neck breaker by Hail. Hail gets a near fall after a standing moonsault. After Hail gets tied up with the referee. Grace hits Wasteland for the win.

Winner- Arianna Grace

Roderick Strong vs. Apollo Crews

Strong and Crews trade pin attempts and submission holds, mocking each other every chance they get. Strong hits a backbreaker. Crews and Strong end up on the apron. Crews tries a DVD but Strong fights out of it. Strong tries a German but Crews hooks the ropes. Strong trips Crews on the apron. Crews and Strong clothesline each other at the same time outside the ring. After the break, Crews hits a spinebuster for the win.

Winner- Apollo Crews

Backstage. Legend is still going on and on about herself. Enofé tells Legend that she lost her match last week. Pretty Deadly walks in and jaws with Enofé and Blade. They have a match coming up next.

Backstage, The Creeds and Strong argue about not being there for each other.

Tony D’Angelo and Santos Escobar meet by a fountain alone. D’Angelo and Santos argue over everything that has been happening over the last four months. D’Angelo says he called this meeting to tell Santos to get back in line. Santos challenges D’Angleo to a match. If Santos loses, he has to leave NXT but he can’t take the rest of Legado with him. If he wins, Legado del Fantasma is free. D’Angeloand Santos shake on it.

Pretty Deadly vs. Edris Enofé and Malik Blade

Enofé and Blade double team Prince. After a distraction from Wilson, Prince is able to take control. Prince tosses Blade into a European uppercut for a near fall. Prince and Wilson work over Blade. Brooks and Jensen come to ringside to prevent Pretty Deadly from leaving. Enofé lands Edris elbow. After a miscue, Prince sends into Jensen, who is holding a chair. Prince and Wilson hit Spilled Milk for the win.

Winners- Pretty Deadly

After the match, Lash Legend hops the barricade and boots, Fallon Henley, in the face. Legend stands with Pretty Deadly.

Backstage, Grayson Waller tells Crews he’s not welcome here.

Cora Jade vs. Zoey Stark

Mandy Rose is out for commentary for the next match. Stark and Jade trade pin attempts. Jade retreats to the apron. Stark catches Jade with a modified Arabian press. After the break, Stark tries to fire up but Jade cuts her off with a clothesline. Jade and Stark trade pin attempts. Jade tries a running knee but Stark turns it into a slam. Stark and Jade trade strikes. Stark lands a half nelson suplex. Jade kicks out.

Jade tries sliced bread #2 but Stark counters. Jade lands a running knee followed by a DDT. Stark kicks out. Jade hits sliced bread #2. Stark kicks out. Jade goes for the weapon she brought to the ring but Roxanne Perez appears at ringside and takes it. Stark drops Jade with her modified GTs for the win.

Winner- Zoey Stark

After the match, Rose tries a sneak attack but Stark hits her with her finish. Stark poses with the NXT Women’s Championship.





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