AEW Dynamite August 3
Image Credit: AEW

AEW Dynamite Results (8/3/22): Chris Jericho vs. Wheeler Yuta, Dumpster Match, Undisputed Elite Return

All Elite Wrestling will deliver a loaded episode of AEW Dynamite on August 3.

The results are as follows:

Orange Cassidy vs. Jay Lethal (with Satnam Singh and Sonjay Dutt)

Cassidy goes for an early pin. He takes Lethal down with a shoulder block. Lethal responds with one of his own. Cassidy puts his hands in his pockets and jumps over Lethal. He dodges the Lethal Injection and kicks his opponent out of the ring. Cassidy dives onto Lethal on the outside. He “kicks” Lethal when he’s down, and Lethal crawls up the ramp. A distraction from Singh helps Lethal take control. The Best Friends come out, with Beretta stacked on Taylor’s shoulders. Lethal takes Cassidy down with a dragon screw and targets his leg. He dropkicks Cassidy’s leg into the stairs. Lethal continues to ground Cassidy with some shin-breakers.

He keeps targeting Cassidy’s leg. “Freshly Squeezed” rallies, but Lethal takes him down with an avalanche dragon screw. He locks in the Figure-Four, but Cassidy escapes. Cassidy hits the Stun-dog Millionaire but eats the Lethal Combination. Lethal chops him, but Cassidy floors his opponent with a spinning DDT. Cassidy goes for the Orange Punch, but his leg gives out. Cassidy catches him with the Beach Break for a two count. A roll-up earns Cassidy a two count. Lethal dodges the Orange Punch and hits the Lethal Injection for the win.

Winner: Jay Lethal

After the match, Dutt and Singh come to the ring. Dutt asks Lethal about Wardlow, and he says the powerhouse stuck his nose in their business. Lethal calls Wardlow out to the ring, saying he’s going to break Cassidy’s leg. The Best Friends and Wardlow make the save. Dutt challenges Wardlow to face Lethal in a title match at Battle of the Belts III. Wardlow says that he fdoesn’t care when or where, he’ll beat Lethal.

In-Ring Segment: The Undisputed Elite

Adam Cole says it’s good to be back, and he’s glad to be back with his friends. He notes that he’s still not medically cleared, but he’s been doing a lot of thinking about what The Undisputed Elite can do better. He emphasizes the importance of loyalty and turns his attention to the trios tournament. He states that with him and O’Reilly not cleared to compete, the Young Bucks “can’t” win the trios tournament. He says that they won’t be physically capable of winning, and reDRagon blindsides the Bucks with an attack.

Cole, O’Reilly and Fish beat up the Young Bucks and prepare to brutalize them with a chair, but Hangman Page makes the save. After a brief pause, he shakes hands with Matt Jackson.

In a promo, AEW Interim World Champion Jon Moxley discusses Wheeler Yuta’s match with Chris Jericho. He says he doesn’t care who wins. He says that no matter what, he’ll wage war with the victor just the same. Moxley notes that the Blackpool Combat Club will make the Hart Dungeon look like a daycare.

In a taped segment earlier in the day, Tony Schiavone tries to address Christian Cage, who says Jungle Boy was raised by terrible human beings. Jungle Boy speeds in with a car and nearly hits Cage. Security officials swarm Jungle Boy, and Cage tells them to arrest him.

ThunderStorm (Thunder Rosa and Toni Storm) vs. Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter (with Rebel)

Hayter sends Storm to the outside as Rosa and Baker feel each other out. Baker goes for the Lockjaw, but Rosa suplexes her. Hayter tags in, and Rosa clotheslines her. Rosa maintains the advantage and tags Storm. ThunderStorm double-teams Hayter with some clotheslines in the corner. They work together to suplex Hayter. Baker distracts Rosa, and Hayter drops her with a haymaker. Baker tags in and slams Rosa face-first into the turnbuckle. She drops the champion with a suplex. Hayer and Baker continue to control the bout. Baker grounds Rosa, who fires up with a kick. Rosa rocks Hayter with a stunner. Storm tags in and hits a diving crossbody. She takes Baker down with a DDT and hits Hayter with another crossbody. Hayter suplexes both of her opponents and tags Baker. Rosa plants her with a Death Valley Driver. Rebel gets on the apron and distracts her, allowing Baker to hit an avalanche air raid crash. Baker and Rosa trade blows.

Storm floors Baker with a DDT. Rosa and Storm suplex their opponents. Storm hits some hip attacks and accidentally hits Rosa. The miscommunication helps Hayter floor Storm with a lariat for the win.

Winners Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter

A video package hypes up the wedding between Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti. Eddie Kingston interrupts and says he doesn’t care about the wedding. He says he wants to fight Guevara at AEW All Out and tells him to sign the contract that was sent to him.

On commentary, Taz addresses Powerhouse Hobbs’ betrayal of Ricky Starks and says Team Taz is over.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Ren Jones

Hobbs dominates Jones and easily pins him for the win.

Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs

Ricky Starks storms to the ring and attacks Hobbs. He shoves a referee and gets dropped with a spinebuster by Hobbs.

In a promo, Miro asks his god who he can trust. He says evil doesn’t need a mask because everyone will reveal themselves, and “The Redeemder” will too.

In a taped message, Darby Allin says he’s the one who went to Tony Khan and encouraged him to sign Brody King. He says King is trying to build his name off of him. Allin tells King to remember that he’s the one who asked for the Coffin Match.

Matt Hardy vs. Christian Cage

Hardy takes the fight to Cage and punches him in the corner. Cage dishes out some punches of his own, and Hardy sends him crashing to the floor. They briefly brawl at ringside. Back in the ring. Hardy continues to force the issue as he slams Cage’s head into the turnbuckle. Hardy gets a two count with a powerbomb. Cage sends him back-first into the steel steps and drives his knee into Hardy’s head. Cage controls the action and grounds Hardy. They battle on the top rope, and Hardy superplexes Cage. Hardy punches Cage in the corner and hits a diving elbow to the neck. Cage counters the Twist of Fate. Hardy hits a diving elbow drop. Cage gets a two count with a diving headbutt. Hardy plants him with a Side Effect for a two count of his own. He slams Cage onto the apron and lays him out on a table. He dives off the apron, but Cage moves, so Hardy crashes through the table.

Cage rolls Hardy back into the ring and hits the Killswitch for the win.

Winner: Christian Cage

After the match, Cage brings some chairs into the ring and moves to attack Hardy, but Luchasaurus comes out. Jungle Boy runs in from behind and tries to hit Cage with a chair, but he escapes.

Backstage, Tony Schiavone interviews Daniel Garcia, who calls his victory over Bryan Danielson the biggest win in AEW history. He says he’s the “Dragon Slayer” and tells Bryan to come back when he’s feeling better because he’ll say the dragon again.

AEW Dynamite Results Continue On The Next Page!

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